Thorsten Dennerline - Bird Press
Amherst, MA

Feeding Pigeons

Fine press artist’s book with poem by Egil Dennerline and lithographs by Thorsten Dennerline; sewn on 3 leather thongs and in the coptic style; boards covered in full cloth with recessed label; lithographs printed onto Kat Ran Handmades paper. In this blind collaboration text and illustrations were created independently but following a specified format and theme. Edition of 11.

"When people ask what my work is about, I often list a number of common threads that go through it. The first thread is my interest in poetry. The second is my interest in the relationship between text and image. The third is my interest in collaboration. Finally comes my interest in the grotesque and in animal imagery to depict my observations of human interaction or behavior. These interests manifest themselves in various combinations in most of my book projects and paintings."

27 x 29 x 2.5cm
Created: 1996

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