The Artists:

Leigh Adamson
Brad Benedict
Velma Bolyard
Nancy Callahan
Nancy Chalker-Tennant
Samantha Couture
Thorsten Dennerline
Elaine Downing

Melanie Hershberger
Beverly Hettig
KAKE Productions: Ann Kalmbach & Tatana Kellner 1 | 2 | 3
Stacey Kirby
Barbara Kretzmann
Gwen Miller
Sarah Provoncha

John T. Pusateri, Jr.
Andrea Reithmayr 1 | 2
Bertha Rogers
Gregory Santos 1 | 2
Susan Joy Share 1 | 2
Laurie Snyder
Amy Stecher
Peter Verheyen 1 | 2

This exhibition features the work of artists and craftsmen working in this region or with strong roots here as evidenced by their studies and earlier productive residences here. Recent years have seen an influx of book artists moving to out, as well as an increase in the in the teaching of the book arts in our schools and universities. This is in addition to the book artists and binders employed in the conservation and preservation fields or teaching in art programs. The result of this can be seen by the inclusion of work by current students and recent graduates from Syracuse and Cornell Universities. Central New York can also take pride in three very strong book arts centers as well: the Visual Studies Workshop in Rochester, the Women’s Studio Workshop in Rosendale, the Wells College Book Arts Center.

CNY Book Arts: Traditional to Innovative represents the rich diversity present in the book arts today. Works shown encompass traditional binding structures in paper, cloth, leather and parchment; traditional fine press editions; and artist’s books in a wide variety of formats. Also included are some fine examples of the art of printmaking. While many of the items are clearly identifiable as books in the traditional sense, numerous pieces in the exhibition break from that mold, challenging the definition of "what is a book." Though much discussed, this issue will never be resolved; it is up to the viewer to decide and enjoy the exhibition. This exhibition should also help dispell the notion that the book arts are a lost and dying art. If anything, they are more alive, diverse, and vibrant than ever.

The exhibition is on display at the Schweinfurth Memorial Art Center, Auburn, NY from September 1 through October 28, 2001.

Peter D. Verheyen, August 2001.

Special thanks to Donna Lamb, Director, Schweinfurth Memorial Art Center, Gregory Santos, Donia Conn, and Hope Kuniholm for their invaluable assistance during the exhibition’s planning and the production of this catalog.

This catalog was made possible through the generosity and support of the Gladys Krieble Delmas Foundation, a gift in honor of Gordon P. Merriam, anonymous donors, and the Schweinfurth Memorial Art Center, Auburn, NY.
Philobiblon © 2001

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