Elaine Downing
Oneonta, NY

Life Lessons, Volume 1 & 2

Hand sewn black and white school journals; covers hand painted in India ink on Rives BFK paper; pages of Canson and lined notebook paper. Grey pages and pop-ups made from Rives BFK paper.

"The journal format is a very personal statement and reflection of my reaction to the death of my husband and my attempt to cope with his loss. The text covers the lessons I felt I was supposed to be learning from this experience."

Vol 1: 30.5 x 21.5 x 2cm
Created: 2000

"I used the same format as last year’s book, but lightened the mood. Just as my life is resuming and I am recovering from a period of deep soul searching and mourning, my sense of humor and the enjoyment of the ridiculous is surfacing more intensely."

Vol 2: 14 x 21.5 x 2cm
Created: 2001

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