& Paper Conservation
Box Making
Edition Binding
Fine and Presentation
Classes, Workshops,
& Consultancies
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Project Blog
Curriculum Vitae
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arts related resources,
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Book Arts Web
Classes, Workshops, and Consultancies:
Book Arts
A weekly, ongoing, bookbinding class at the binder's studio in
Syracuse, NY, is available. Due to space constraints and to ensure quality
of instruction, class enrollment is limited to 3 students. No spaces are
currently available.
The studio
Class topics include:
Examples of the instructor's work can be seen on his "gallery" page.
Past workshops:
- Variations
on the German Case Binding, Garage Annex School, Easthampton,
- Vellum on Boards: Hand Bookbinders of
California, held at San Fransisco Center for the Book.
- Historic Endbands: Hand Bookbinders of California, held at San
Fransisco Center for the Book and Columbia College Chicago Center
for Book and Paper Arts.
- The Springback: Garage Annex School, Easthampton,MA, and Minnesota
Center for Book Arts.
Last Modified:
Saturday, 14-Sep-2013 13:32:02 EDT