Class Exhibition in Special Collections Research Center
Syracuse University Library
This class will be exhibiting works by students in the Special Collections
Research Center (SCRC), during the second half of the semester. From among the
structures learned in class (or with instructor's approval an alternative one),
select one design to complete work around that structure. Your work will be
paired with an example of that work from the SCRC's collections that YOU have
identified. All works will be photographed and the exhibition mounted on the
SCRC's website.
- Reviewing your notes from Class 2 (Visit to SCRC) select a work that represents
the structure and concept you will explore in your work.
- Create a complete book based on that structure.
- Remember that you are creating an exhibition quality work. Neatness
and precision of work are imperative. Materials and structure must work
- Write
- A concise statement describing the work selected from SCRC's collections,
why you selected it, and a statement about your own work.
- A concise artist's statement introducing yourself, your area(s) of interest,
and what attracted you to the book as form.
Statements must fit on one page, 8.5" x 11," 1" margins,
single-spaced 12pt Times Roman font. Statements must be submitted as hard-copy
and via email to <pdverhey@syr.edu>. All statements must be proofed
for clarity and spelling. Remember, you never get a second chance to make
a first impression.
- How does the binding I choose relate to the subject? Historically, regionally,
- How does the ease (or difficulty) of viewing reveal or hide my subject matter?
Is the viewer gaining full access to my content and if not, why?
- How does the size of my book effect the viewer's reaction to the content?
Does it need to be gigantic or miniscule to really tell the story well?
- How do the materials I have chosen relate to the content? Is the cover material
appropriate for the subject matter I am addressing? Is the text paper? The
endpapers (if any)?
- How fragile is my book? Will it standup to many people handling it? Where
will it be read? On a table, in a lap, on a pedestal, etc?
- How does the over structure and feel of the book marry with the overall
content? Does the form enhance the content?
Peter Verheyen
Preservation and Digital Access Librarian
Syracuse University Library
Office Hours:
By appointment at Special Collections Research Center, 6th Floor, E. S. Bird
Library. Mon-Wed, Fri, 8am - 4:00pm.