Syllabus || Assignments || Online Resources || Bibliographies

Syllabus | Course Outline

Instructor Contact Information:

Peter Verheyen
Preservation and Digital Access Librarian
Syracuse University Library

Office Hours:

By appointment at Special Collections Research Center, 6th Floor, E. S. Bird Library. Mon-Wed, Fri, 8am - 4:00pm.

Class Listserv:

All students will be added to the class listserv, The list will be used for general discussion between classes, technical Q&A, sharing of resources, … Participation on the listserv will be weighted as part of class participation.

Class Website:

The class website, well you're there. This is where the syllabus and all assignments as well as links to other resources and bibliographies will be posted.

Course Goals and Objectives:

Successful completion of this class will require the student to: be conscientious in attendance; pay attention and take notes; research structures and topics of interest in the Library and online; work to achieve the highest level of craft (neatness and preciseness); self-initiated research and problem solving; creativity; risk-taking.

Students will expected to come to class prepared to show and discuss their work with an open and playful mind.

Students will be expected to apply the breadth of their academic and artistic background and expertise to class assignments.

As assignments cannot be accomplished during class time (Thursdays, 1:30-6) alone, students should expect to spend approximately 6 hours minimum per week outside of class. All assignments will be due at the beginning of class.

Attendance Policy:

Attendance in class is mandatory. More than 3 absences during one semester will lower your grade. More than 3 late attendances will be considered an absence. Students who fail to do final clean-up will not receive a grade. Students who fail to clean up after themselves will receive a lowered grade. A student with a medical excuse is given extra help in studio work.

Lab Fee:

Lab fees covers the cost basic tool kit, book board, threads, book cloth, miscellaneous studio costs. All other tools and supplies are responsibility of the student.


Successful performance in the above areas will result in a B grade.
Exceptional performance will result in an A grade. In addition to excellent attendance, participation, and quality of work, the semester's work must have what this instructor considers to be superior creativity and individual expression and rigorous problem-solving. This is not necessarily within the control of the student, and is difficult to achieve at will. Serious and committed effort of an unusual level will assist the student in this, but cannot be guaranteed. Individual and creative vision is, nevertheless, a critical component in the development of an excellent student of art and will be considered in grading.

Less than successful performance in any of the above areas, especially attendance, will result in a C or potentially lower grade.


The course content is arranged in a sequence of 14 hands-on workshops exposing students to various procedures of eastern and western book forms, adhesive and non-adhesive bindings, enclosures, and experimental book forms. With all assignments experimentation with materials, structure, and form is stressed. However, in all cases content, form, structure, and materials must work together towards creating a complete work. In addition suitability of materials for a structure, neatness, and precision of craft will be expected for all works. Though not required, students are encouraged to make use of text and/or imagery in all homework assignments. NOTE: Content will be required for all major assignments - 1, 2, and 3.

NOTE: schedule and assignments may change during the semester.

WEEK 1: 1/18

WEEK 2: 1/25

WEEK 3: 2/1

WEEK 4: 2/8

WEEK 5: 2/15

WEEK 6: 2/22

WEEK 7: 3/1

WEEK 8: 3/8

WEEK 9: 3/15

WEEK 10: 3/22

WEEK 11: 3/29

WEEK 12: 4/5

WEEK 13: 4/12

WEEK 14: 4/19

WEEK 15: 4/26

Peter D. Verheyen

Office Hours:
By appointment at the Department of Preservation and Conservation,