Final Projects
Drawing on everything covered in class and your own research begin thinking
about final project which will be created in an edition of at least 3, 1 copy
of which will be deposited with the Printmaking Department and 1 copy of which
will be deposited with the Special Collections Research Center.
- Review your own work completed over the course of the semester, your
notes, and personal research completed. Think back to Assignment 1.
- Select a theme / concept for your work
- Select content for your work. This can be original content or content
found elsewhere. Content can be textual, visual, or a combination of both. Blank
books are not acceptable.
- Select a structure and materials making sure that they work for your
- April 5 - Present and discuss project proposal. This must be presented
as hard-copy and via email to <>. We will discuss all
proposals in class as a group. Please note any feedback received and revise
proposal as appropriate. Submit to instructor via email by April 8.
- April 12 - Submit rough mock-up of work to instructor for review.
- April 26 - Completed projects with final concise written statement describing
work due. Statement must fit on one page (8.5" x 11," 1" margins,
single-spaced 12pt Times Roman font) and must be presented as hard-copy and
via email to <>.
DUE APRIL 26 - No exceptions!
Peter Verheyen
Preservation and Digital Access Librarian
Syracuse University Library
Office Hours:
By appointment at Special Collections Research Center, 6th Floor, E. S. Bird
Library. Mon-Wed, Fri, 8am - 4:00pm.