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A Select Bibliography of Endbands

By Donia Conn and Peter Verheyen


Clarkson, Christopher, Further Studies in Anglo-Saxon and Norman Bookbinding.  Bibliologia, Vol. 14, pp.154-214, 1996.

            A Hitherto Unrecorded English Romanesque Book Sewing Technique.  Bibliologia, Vol. 14, pp.215-239, 1996.

Evetts, Deborah M., Traditional Islamic Chevron Headband. Guild of Book Workers Journal, Vol. 19, no. 1, pp. 30-35, 1980-81

[Recommended] Fischer, Barbara, Sewing and Endband in the Islamic Technique of Binding.  Restaurator Vol. 7, pp. 181-201, 1986.

[Recommended] Gast, Monica,  A History of Endbands Based on a Study by Karl Jäckel.  The New Bookbinder.  Vol. 3, pp. 42-58, 1983.

[Recommended] Guiffrida, Barbara, Book Conservation Workshop Manual Part Three: Endbands.  The New Bookbinder.  Vol. 2, pp. 29-39, 1982.

[Recommended] Jäckel, Karl, Alte Techniken des Buchbinderhandwerks in der modernen Schriftgutrestaurierung, 2: Das Kapital. [The Endband.] Bibliotheksforum Bayern Vol. 3, pp. 207-219, 1975.

[Recommended]        Alte Techniken des Buchbinderhandwerks in der modernen Schriftgutrestaurierung, 1: Das Heften. Bibliothekaforum Bayern Vol. 2, pp. 255-264, 1974

[Recommended]        Alte Techniken des Buchbinderhandwerks in der modernen Schriftgutrestaurierung, 4: Leder und Pergament. Bibliotheksforum Bayern Vol. 6, pp. 215-221, 1978.

Lauder, Alfred, A Textbook for Rebinding Rare Books Based on a New Technical Principle.  Guild of Book Workers, Vol. 36, no. 1.

Szirmai, J. A. Carolingian Bindings in the Abbey Library of St. Gall.  Making the Medieval Book: Techniques of Production.  The Red Gull Press, 1995.


[Recommended] Bibliothèque Nationale, Les Tranchefiles Brodèes: Etude Historique et Technique.  Paris: Bibliothèque Nationale, 1989.

Burdett, Eric, The Craft of Bookbinding.  London: David and Charles, 1975.

Clarkson, Christopher, Limp Vellum Binding. Hertfordshire: The Red Gull Press, 1982.

Cockerell, Douglas, Bookbinding and the Care of Books.  New York: Lyons and Burford, 1991.

Crane, W. J. E., Bookbinding for Amateurs.  London: L. Upcott Gill.

Darley, Lionel S., Bookbinding Basics.  Toronto: Cole Publishing Company, Ltd., 1965

            Introduction to Book Binding.  London: Faber and Faber, 1965.

Diehl, Edith, Bookbinding: Its Background and Technique.  New York: Dover Publications, 1980.

Federici, Carlo, and Houlis, Kostantinos, Legature Bizantine Vaticane.  Roma: Gratelli Palombi Editori, 1988.

Forsyth, K. Marjorie, Bookbinding for Teachers, Students and Amateurs.  London: A & C Black, 1932.

Giannini, Guido G., Il Dilettante Legatore di Libri.  Milan: Ulrico Hoepli, 1923.

[Recommended] Greenfield, Jane and Hille, Jenny, Headbands: How to Work Them.  New Castle, DE:  Oak Knoll Books, 1990.

Henningsen, Thorwald, Handbuch für den Buchbinder. St. Gallen: Rudolf Hostettler Verlad, 1969. 

Hewitt-Bates, J. S., Bookbinding.  Leicester: The Dryad Press, 1954.

Johnson, Arthur W., The Thames and Hudson Manual of Bookbinding.  London: Thames and Hudson, 1978.

Johnson, Pauline, Creative Bookbinding.  New York: Dover Publications, 1990.

Matthews, William, Bookbinding.  New York: E. P. Dutton and Co.

Middleton, Bernard, A History of English Craft Bookbinding Technique.  London: Holland Press, 1988.

            The Restoration of Leather Bindings.  Chicago: American Library Association, 1972.

Mowery, J. Franklin, The Logic and Techniques of German Bookbinding.  Guild of Book Workers Journal, Vol. 29, no. 1, pp. 38-55, 1991.

Petersen, Heinz, Bucheinbände.  Graz: Akademische Druck- u. Verlagsanstalt Graz, 1991.

Priem-Nielsen, A. V., et. al., Den Håndindbundne Bog.  København: Forening for Boghaandværk Ny Nordisk Forlag, Arnold Brusk, 1970.

Rigaut, Henriette, La Relieure Comme Un Professionnel.  Paris: Flerus Idées, 1989.

Roberts, Matt and Etherington, Don, Bookbinding and the Conservation of Books.  Washington DC: Library of Congress, 1982.

[Recommended] Szirmai, J. A., The Archaeology of Medieval Bookbinding. Aldershot: Ashgate, 1999.

Town, Laurence, Bookbinding by Hand for Students and Craftsmen.  London: Faber and Faber, 1963.

Vaughan, Alex J., Modern Bookbinding.  London: Robert Hale, 1996.

Watson, Aldren, Hand Bookbinding.  New York: Reinhold Publishing Corporation, 1963.

Young, Laura S., Bookbinding and Conservation by Hand.  New Castle, DE: Oak Knoll Press, 1995.

Zaehnsdorf, Joseph W., The Art of Bookbinding: A Practical Treatise.  London: George Bell and Sons, 1890.

Zahn, Gerhard, Grundwissen für Buchbinder: Schwerpunkt Einzelfertigung.  Itzehoe: Verlag Beruf + Schule, 1990.

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