Peter Verheyen's and Family's Layouts in H0, N, and Z


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Hope's Z

N-Scale Module Project

Scratchbuilding / Eigenbau

Switching Puzzle / Rangierspiel

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Boothbay Railway Village Steamcourse



Engines / Loks



PV Home

Scratchbuilding | Eigenbau

A New Hauptbahnhof

In late 2005, I made the decision to replace my Faller "Bonn" station with one of my own making. The architectural style is derived from several of those in the industrial Ruhr Valley with its factories, coal mines, and refineries... The stations in these towns, many of them at least, were built during the early-mid 1930's mainly of brick. The design is very simple and angular lending itself well to scratchbuilding. Many of the details such as windows and brickwork were actually derived from the station in Duisburg.

Click on images to enlarge

Overall streetside view of the station. The white "trim" will be used to mount a 2cm wide wraparound roof that will be flush with the streetside exterior of the central hall. The roof will be covered with tar paper to make it more 3-dimensional. Left wing will be a second entrance into the station, while the right wing will be a post office.

Window trim was cut out, mounted on wall, then
windows were cut out to be replaced with new
ones mounted from behind. This gives depth to
what would otherwise be flat.

Click on images to enlarge

View into the "wing and with partially complete roof showing construction.

Click on images to enlarge

View toward corner of "wing showing opening. This will become a real entrance with glass doors and simulated interior details. The white "trim" will be used to mount a 2cm wide wraparound roof that will be flush with the exterior of the central hall.

View into the central hall of the station. Large murals of industrial views decorate the interior side walls. Ticket counter, kiosks, ... will be added to the inside. Roof will be flat. Statues will be mounted at the upper front corners as well as station name and other signage.

Trackside view. I reused the old "Bonn" canopies to span the two tracks closest to the station. a future project will be to build new, more appropriate canopies...

Streetside view showing the the wrap around roof. The station interior is fairly complete with ticket counter and two kiosks at the sides of the center section. Entry towards track level is via a ramp. A clear plexi railing was put in to keep the Preiserlings from falling down to the street. Interiors were also fit into at each end – post office on the near end, plain entrance to station from parking lot/taxi stand at far end. Still to come, all the details. A great source for details that one can print out themselves is on Huib Maaskant's Adventure in Miniature site.

The station was completed by weathering and adding other details.

I have temporarily retained the "Bonn" track canopies... Why? Well, the money to replace them ran out during the weltwirtschaftskrise (depression) when the new station was being built. Then, after actually surviving the war fairly intact they were left in place. They may be replaced in the course of future renovations with something appropriately 70's.

Surfing Drehscheibe Online over 4 years after building this new station I came across a post referencing the Duisburger Hbf (Hauptbahnhof) , but showing a picture of the Oberhausen Hbf with the old canopies just visible in the background. More information about the image from 1934, shortly after the station was built, can be seen in the Bildarchiv der Eisenbahnstiftung Joachim Schmidt, but below is the image. More recent images of the Duisburg and Oberhausen stations further below.

Examples of Stations in a Similar Style:

Images of stations are pretty easy to find online by searching Goggle Images. Just type in the name of the city and bahnhof or hauptbahnhof...



Peter's & Hope' s Märklin Trains © 1998 -
Peter D. Verheyen
Last Modified: Saturday, 14-Sep-2013 14:08:42 EDT
URL: /eisenbahn/hauptbahnhof.shtml