Peter Verheyen's and Family's Layouts in H0, N, and Z


Papphausen: Current projects and activities...

Papphausen2: YouTube videos from the layout and beyond

Current Layout

Past Layouts

Hope's Z

N-Scale Module Project

Scratchbuilding / Eigenbau

Switching Puzzle / Rangierspiel

Prototypes / Vorbilder

Boothbay Railway Village Steamcourse



Engines / Loks



PV Home

Prototypes | Vorbilder:

I finally converted the video footage I took during out 2002 trip to Germany and have uploaded it to YouTube. Below a sample.

Bin endlich dazu gekommen das Video unserer 2002 Deutschlandreise vom Band abzuspielen und habe es bei YouTube hochgeladen. Hier ein Beispiel.

Amsterdam Central

NS Class 1700 with DD-AR push-pulltrain.

NS Class 2900 "Sprinter" | DB ICE 3M (multi-system)in distance waiting for next run

Front of DB ICE 3M (multi-system) | View out of rear control cab on ICE 3M (multi-system)

Crossing the Ruhr from Oberhausen to Duisburg

BR110 with Regionalexpress in picture is coming from Essen towards Duisburg

Koblenz Hauptbahnhof

BR146 with Regionalexpress | BR110

BR110 | BR143 still in original DR color scheme

BR185 (multi-system)

DB Museum Koblenz-Lützel

E41 and E44 (background)

ET430 - This EMU is in desolate condition and will most likely be scrapped as restoration will be too costly.


Zeche Nordstern in Gelsenkirchen. The site of this now defunct mine now serves as a park and is als home to the Deutschland Express show layout, billed as one of the largest Märklin layouts.

Minehead 1/2/8 of the Zeche Zollverein in Essen. The site of this mine and coking plant are now part of UNESCO's World Heritage List and Minehead XII (in distance in lower picture) was honored with a model by Trix..

Memories | Erinnerungen:

When I was a kid visiting my grandparents in Duisburg, we used to run down the street to the big park in the center of town and play on the locomotive which was set up there just for that purpose. The engine had been retired from the Mannesmann Steelworks in the early/mid sixties and was given a second life on a playground. Many, many hours were spent climbing all over and playing engineer, ignoring the scrapes, bumps, bruises and cuts we got on the rusting steel. I took the pictures below in February of 2001. Graffiti was always a great part of the charm, as was the dirt, cigarette butts, stench, and worse. We still loved her.

parklok1.jpg (103710 bytes) parklok2.jpg (80500 bytes)

parklok3.jpg (88926 bytes)

A photo of the engine in April of 2004 can be see at Werkbahnen in Deutschland.

A few years ago, actually December of '04 my daughter Sofia (then 6) and I noticed it was no longer there and had been replaced this -

Certainly "safer" but an improvement? I think not. I was saddened to see another fixture of my childhood disappear, and Sofia was bereft, almost not wanting to play on it. Some kids got her to change her mind... My thoughts went to wondering where she had been cut up for scrap...

While surfing with Google Earth looking at railyards from above, a great exercise in industrial/urban archeology I decided to look for the Bw Gelsenkirchen Bismarck, last home to many of the BR44s and BR221 engines. On their homepage, I found to my amazement a report on the move and RESTORATION of a Henschel-Lokomotive C 400, our engine, which is now being restored by the Arbeitskreis Freunde des Bahnbetriebswerks Bismarck - Förderverein e. V. Gelsenkirchen to a non-functioning condition and will be on display at the Bw Gelsenkirchen Bismarck (near where I had lived for several years). One of the images shows the smoke chamber filled to about 1/3 with sand from the playground. I wonder how many handfuls of that are from my siblings and me. I'm glad this story has a happy end and that the engine will continue to live. One thing that came out of the report and pictures was that even having stood out in the acrid rain of Duisburg for over 30 years that the engine was still in remarkably good shape. I guess we didn't treat it too badly.

Peter's & Hope' s Märklin Trains © 1998 -
Peter D. Verheyen
Last Modified: Sunday, 21-Nov-2021 13:17:08 EST
URL: /eisenbahn/vorbild.shtml