Jane Aaron
Patrice Baldwin
Nancy Bloch
Patricia Bolt
Carolee Campbell
Heidi Ferrini
Patricia Galante
Steve Heimerle
Signa I. Houghteling
Constance Hunter
Mary Laird
Hisako Nakazawa
Joanne Page
Robert S. Rosenzweig
Lily Stevenson
Carla J. Tenret
Peter & Donna Thomas
Peter D. Verheyen
Pamela S. Wood
Constance Wozny

Patricia Galante

THE CANTICLE of the CREATURES OF ST. FRANCIS of ASSISI. Province of Macerata, Italia, 1998.

Each page is the same poem translated into a different language. Full leather traditional French binding. Pressed onlay paintings in stained glass forms depicting St. Francis with creatures. Pictures are covered with Mylar and partitioned with strips of black leather. Green colored top with silk endbands. Titled in palladium.

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