Jane Aaron
Patrice Baldwin
Nancy Bloch
Patricia Bolt
Carolee Campbell
Heidi Ferrini
Patricia Galante
Steve Heimerle
Signa I. Houghteling
Constance Hunter
Mary Laird
Hisako Nakazawa
Joanne Page
Robert S. Rosenzweig
Lily Stevenson
Carla J. Tenret
Peter & Donna Thomas
Peter D. Verheyen
Pamela S. Wood
Constance Wozny

Peter D. Verheyen

JOHN DePOL: A Catalogue Raisonne 1935-1998. The Book Club of California, San Francisco, CA 2001.

Sewn on here frayed out cords; sewn “zig-zag” endsheets of grey Ropma paper with leather joint; graphite top edge; brown and blue endbands. Covered in full Harmatan goat; raised leather onlays with text in reverse, and portrait on leather using photocopy/laser transfer. Bound 2003.

A CHRISTMAS TALE, and OTHER SHORT STORIES by Carsten Ramcke, 2002. Collection of the author.

Compilation of railroad related Christmas stories produced in an edition of two; full paper case (millimeter binding) covered in pastepaper over laser output by the binder with grey leather top and bottom edging; printed paper spine label. Bound 2002.

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 link to Bonefolder Extras & link to Bonefolder


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