Jane Aaron
Patrice Baldwin
Nancy Bloch
Patricia Bolt
Carolee Campbell
Heidi Ferrini
Patricia Galante
Steve Heimerle
Signa I. Houghteling
Constance Hunter
Mary Laird
Hisako Nakazawa
Joanne Page
Robert S. Rosenzweig
Lily Stevenson
Carla J. Tenret
Peter & Donna Thomas
Peter D. Verheyen
Pamela S. Wood
Constance Wozny

Pamela S. Wood

AZTEC SPIRITS TAKE FLIGHT, written and illustrated by Pamela S. Wood.

Original sewn star binding and illustrations. The antennae are an extension of the sewn binding, when opened the two halves become one butterfly on the covers. Inside, in the center of each five folios, a butterfly pops out. One of an edition of two.

REQUIEM, written and illustrated by Pamela S. Wood.

In memory of 9/11/2001, the book cover is original marbled book cloth, and original illustration. It is a book of bound boxes. When you shake the book, the small bits of paper in each transparent-sided box move. One of an edition of two.

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