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A listing of selected blogs in the book arts.

  • 1/2 Measure Studio Blog: Louise Levergneux's artists' books / livres d'artiste.
  • ABC Artists' Books Cooperative
  • About Blooks, discovering the book as object: This blog is devoted to the subject of BLOOKS, objects made in the emulation of books, either by hand or commercial manufacture. All over the world, for hundreds of years, people have been making, collecting and presenting book-objects that reflect their devotion and respect for books and for each other. There are countless examples; they include bars, cameras, radios, banks, toys, memorials, food tins, desk accessories, book safes, musical instruments, magic tricks, furniture and jewelry.
  • About the Binding: Jana Pullman's blog about her bookbinding and conservation work.
  • Adventures of the Wandering Book Artists: Peter and Donna Thomas have been making artist's books for over 30 years together. Long ago as craftspeople at Renaissance faires they fell in love with the "gypsy wagons" that vendors built to sleep in and sell their wares from. Their gypsy wagon is taking them around the country to sell their books, teach book arts workshops, talk about books and see the beauty in the USA.
  • American Bound: A blog by Abby Schoolman about contemporary designer bookbinding in the Americas.
  • Anabella Encuadernación: mi blog de encuadernación artística. Many posts in English too.
  • The Art of American Book Covers: Richard Minsky's blog about twentieth century book design, that at the turn of the 20th century was more than a craft. It was a labor of love at the forefront of art. Readers accustomed to today's more utilitarian book covers will find breathtaking images here—gold leaf patterns intricate enough to replicate the shimmer of feathers, forests rendered in rich color and silver, and elegant allusions to Asian art. The diversity and ingenuity of these books will capture the imagination of book lovers and collectors—and anyone who enjoys engaging design.
  • The Art of the Book: Anything and everything related to the book, including, but not limited to, online book exhibits, journals, tutorials, materials and tool resources, paper arts, typography, art that fits in books, announcements of competitions, blog.
  • Artists' Books: Anna Mavromatis blog on all things related to paper and paper art.
  • L'Atelier de DOM: A Semblançay, dans la campagne tourangelle, Marie-Dominique MARNAY vous aide à réaliser des reliures de créations, avec un apprentissage rigoureux du geste pour acquérir un savoir faire sûr et efficace. In France.
  • The Binder's Ticket: Vernon Wiering's bindery miscellany. A binder’s ticket is a little slip of paper, printed with the binder’s information. Pretty straightforward. But it is more than that. This small slip of paper has been a great venue for design over the centuries; it is also a window into the binder’s world and the context in which he worked; and it is a tool for unveiling the often cryptic history of bookbinding.
  • Creatief Boekbinden: Jouw online informatiebron over boekbinden. Tutorials, reviews en aanbevelingen over boeken en gereedschappen voor creatief boekbinden. Bookbinding and book arts blog with links to lots of tutorials and other resources. In Dutch/Nederlands.
  • Books and Paperworks: Papier ist mein Beruf - papier est mon métier - paper is my job. In German, French, and sometimes English.
  • Book Art Collective: A collective of graduate and undergraduate students and even some community members at the University of Arizona.
  • Book Art Object: An informal group of book artists scattered around the globe. Under the BAO banner we make small editions of handmade artists' books in response to texts, sharing them with each other and the world.
  • Book Artiste: Mary Kritz's blog about her bookworks, techniques, and workshops (most in the Ottawa, ONT area). See also here.
  • Book in Hand: Samantha Quell's adventures in book arts, bookbinding, and conservation. Former intern in Syracuse University Library's conservation lab and now at WNYBAC in Buffalo.
  • Bookbinding Now: New York-based community book arts podcasts posted every other Wednesday. Bookbinding Now is hosted by Susan Mills in conjunction with Full Tilt. Listen to George Stenson interview her on his blog Tedorigawa Bookmakers.
  • Booked-out: Making limited edition miniature books, which are published under the De Walden Press imprint.
  • BookGirl: Random musings on her bookish (and occasionally other) passions.
  • Bookworks in Progress: Toon Van Camp's binding project blog.
  • Bonefolder Extras: Time-sensitive reviews and other value-added content to hold you over until the next issue.
  • Brien Beidler: Bookbinding, conservation, and book history.
  • Ginger Burrell: Making, teaching and experiencing artists’ books.
  • By the Light of the Moon: As a working artist, S. K. Hardee is always seeking ways to value the essence of the book as a structure, to experiment with the book as a container of mixed media, to create book-based sculptures and art books that incorporate found objects, recycled items and ephemera with writing.
  • Byopia Press: Cathryn Miller's artist's books/altered books.
  • Cailun: Dennis Yuen's blog about the physicality of books (thus paper) and the art of the physical medium of books themselves.
  • Carrefour des Arts du Livre: Références et informations pour les artistes du livre, les relieurs, les étudiants, les collectioneurs, etc. rattaché à l'Atelier de l'Île - appuyé par CBBAG. En Français.
  • Guylaine Couture: Artist books, works on paper, zines, etc. from Montreal. Site in French.
  • Melissa Jay Craig’s BLAHG: Adventures in papermaking and the book arts.
  • Dimitri's Bookbinding Corner: My spot for sharing bookbinding and other creations. In English and Greek.
  • Erinzam: Representing the work of Erin Zamrzla, designer, bookbinder and artist, this blog is an attempt to document some of her favorite projects, materials and inspirations.
  • Samuel Feinstein: Custom Hand Bookbinding. He trained at the North Bennet Street School in the two-year full-time bookbinding program under Jeff Altepeter, full-time instructor, and Martha Kearsley, part-time instructor. He strives to make his dedication and passion evident in his work.
  • Juan A. Fernández Argenta: Encuadernación (bookbinding). In Spain.
  • The Fiber Wire: A meeting place for paper enthusiasts from every corner of interest, be it science or art, industry or history.
  • Fine Press Book Association: News and gossip from the world of handmade books.
  • Future of the Book: Gary Frost's blog in which he visualizes the future of the codex book. He consider hybrid topics between reading behaviors, traditional book use in the context of digital delivery systems, library preservation and book art.
  • Green Chair Press: About the the studio and interests of Susan Angebranndt.
  • The Gilded Leaf: Fine bookbinding & restoration specializing in period-style leatherwork.
  • Heavenly Monkey: The private press of Rollin Milroy and a revolving cast of friends.
  • Beth Heller Conservation: Book and paper conservator in Golden, Colorado. I fix works of art on paper, archival documents, and books in my private practice studio.
  • Flash of the Hand: Erin Fletcher's (Herringbone Bindery) blog. Very much worth reading are her interviews with binders and book artists.
  • Han-Made Bookbinding: Hannah Brown is a self-employed bookbinder working from her home studio in Somerset. She works to commission creating unique bindings on books using a variety of skills including: leather work, embroidery, metalwork and carpentry, and try to write as much as she can about it here!
  • Hispanoamérica. Artes del Libro: Rodrigo Ortega's Spanish-language blog about all things book arts.
  • History of Books & Material Texts: an interdisciplinary research focus group.
  • Incline Press Blog: Addresses an approach to designing and printing a uniform edition of occasional verse and essays by the author Anthony Burgess, including the role of calligraphy by Stephen Raw and a linocut portrait by John Watson, taking inspiration from the masterly book'work of E R Weiss with lots more to come..
  • Introligatornia Artystyczna Art Book Studio Grzegorz Lewandowski: In Poznan, Poland.
  • Introligatornia Tylkowski: Offering a full range of fine hand bookbinding services for include government offices, private companies, the professions as well as consumers. In Poznan, Poland. Site in Polish, but Google offers a passable translation and the work speaks for itself. See also his website.
  • Letterology: Jennifer Kennard's blog about "letters Are Symbols Which Turn Matter Into Spirit."
  • Letterpressbkart: This blog by Betty Bright supplements her research underway since October 2008, which considers the growing interest in letterpress printing, not just within the book art world, but also as it participates in the larger contexts of art and literature, politics and publishing, and other influences that affect how artists make art.
  • Lili's Bookbinding Blog: Lili Hall's thoughts on bookbinding and allied arts...
  • Linenlaid & Felt Handmade Books: Blog by Katie Gonzalez is a book artist based in Nashville, Tennessee who teaches workshops and creates journals, photo albums, wedding guest books, baby books, and sketchbooks.
  • Making Books Blog: Susan Kapuscinski Gaylord's posts on the book arts, especially as taught to children.
  • Russell Maret: type designer and private press printer working in New York City. He began printing in San Francisco as a teenager before apprenticing with Peter Koch in Berkeley and Firefly Press in Somerville, Massachusetts. He set up his own press at the Center for Book Arts, New York in 1993 and has been printing and publishing ever since. See his website here.
  • Moon and Hare: Nicely done blog about making journals using limp leather structures and more. See also the old blog location at Moon Bindery.
  • My Handbound Books: I'm a bookbinder and book artist and my blog is about my bookbinding projects and ambitions. Lately, I have been focusing on historic book structures from the Medieval and Renaissance eras.
  • My Time Out of the World: artist's books incorporating collage, found objects and other mixed media.
  • Paper Apprentice: Jess Jones is artist-in-residence at the Appalachian Center for Craft in Tennessee.
  • Paper Chipmunk: She was a fine art collagist in her previous life. Now she mostly chews on books, or rather, make artist's books and objects.
  • Paper Dragon Books: Practices the art of fine and design bookbinding, and is located in New York City. See also their website and YouTube channel with videos techniques and other work.
  • Paper Ponderings: Fiona Dempster's calligraphic and book arts blog.
  • Papercut Bindery: On this page I'll try and take you through the processes as simply as possible. Any questions please feel free to ask and I'll do my best to help.
  • Jeff Peachey: Thoughts about conservation, tools, binding, the state of the profession, and more to make us all think about the fields we live and work in.
  • The Pressbengel Project: Exploring German bookbinding traditions with Peter D. Verheyen. Also home of the translation of Ernst Collin's Pressbengel as The Bone Folder – available in laid out in sheets for download.
  • The Sewing Frame: I’m a busy person. During the day I either go to university to finish my literature degree or library science. In the evenings I have bookbinding classes.
  • Shackled in Bookspace: Don Rash's blog. Don is a hand bookbinder, calligrapher and letterpress printer. He resides in Plains, PA (near Wilkes-Barre. He is founder and instructor of the School for Formal Bookbinding, also in Northeast Pennsylvania.
  • Solmentes & Solmentes Press: Imprints of David Esslemont, a British artist, designer, printer, bookbinder, and publisher living in America.
  • Studio 5 Bookarts: Mark Cockram is a contemporary bookbinder, book artist and box maker based in London (UK).
  • Studio West End: Studio West End is the creative home of (book) artists's Adele Outteridge and Wim de Vos near Brisbane, Australia.
  • Tedorigawa Bookmakers: An aspiring bookbinder’s exploration into the World of Books. Podcasts with bookbinders and book artists from Japan and the world.
  • Le territoire des Sens: Andrée-Anne Dupuis-Bourret's French-language blog about book arts. Has a French-Canadienne focus.
  • Tulibri - handgemachte Bücher und mehr: German-language blog about the book and paper arts.
  • V For Books: Handbound books and artistic explorations of E. Lundahl, Finland
  • Verzwirnt und Zugeleimt: Hilke Kurzke's blog in which she describes her book arts projects. She is also the author of Six Ways to Make Coptic Headbands, a nicely done tutorial.
  • Vuscor: Peter Zillig's German-language blog. Peter is a largely self-taught binder in Cologne who is working to build greater exchange of ideas among amateur and professional binders in Germany.
  • Wake Robin: Velma Bolyard's northern New York paper and bookmaking blog.
  • Amanda Watson-Will: Amanda is a Brisbane, Australia artist specializing in artists books.
  • Work of the Hand: NBSS Bookbinding and Beyond! by Henry Hébert.
  • Zigor Anguiano Calzada: Este es un blog donde muestro mis trabajos e historias relacionados con la encuadernación/ This is a blog where I show my work and stories related to the binding. In Spanish, mostly.
  • Philip Zimmermann + Spaceheater Editions: Photographic books.

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Last Modified: Sunday, 04-Mar-2018 12:04:25 EST
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