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Book Arts Gallery

Bindings by Peter Verheyen | Artwork by Thorsten Dennerline, Bird Press | Bookworks by Pamela Moore | Bookworks by Maria Pisano | Book_Arts-L Subscriber Gallery | Other Book Arts Exhibits

Bonefolder Bind-O-Ramas

Guild of Book Workers Exhibitions

Central New York Book Arts: Traditional to Innovative

Peter D. Verheyen to Top

The works depicted here were created by Peter. Verheyen between 1987 and the present and are what one could consider representative of his work. Most of them have been exhibited in one or more juried and non-juried exhibitions. To find out more about him continue on to his resume

Thorsten Dennerline, Bird Press to Top

Thorsten Dennerline, a printmaker-artist, creates works in various media including drawing, printmaking, editioned books, and ceramics. He has worked on numerous collaborative projects with writers and poets. His work is narrative and deals with the interaction of text and image. He has exhibited work in Copenhagen, Denmark as well as the U.S. He received his MFA in printmaking and drawing from Syracuse University and his BFA from the University of Massachusetts at Amherst. Click here to get to Bird Press on the web.

26 Words: An ABeCeDarium by Bird Press
Click on image to view book

Pamela Moore to Top

Pamela Moore, born in Sioux City, Iowa now lives in Barcelona, Spain. She earned her BFA in Photography at the University of Arizona in 1984 where she first discovered her interest in book arts. Drawn to the three-dimensional qualities of the book and the alchemical nature of brass, copper and other metals, her books became sculptural explorations of materials, text and form. In 1988 she went to Barcelona where she studied bookbinding and restoration at the Conservatory of the Arts of the Book. In 1993 she traveled to Texas and continued her studies at the J. Sobota Studio.

Throughout her career, Pamela has exhibited and sold her work to individuals and institutions. In 1994 she was awarded a regional NEA grant which led to her being selected as an artist for the IAPN cultural exchange program which has taken her exhibition "Imaginary Library" to Greece, France and Spain. The images shown on this web page are taken from this show. She continues to create book art and practice bookbinding and restoration in Barcelona, Spain. Her work can also be seen online in "Pamela Moore's Imaginary Library." Her sculptural design bindings in Imaginary Library explore the concept of book as object and as sculpture by incorporating the elements of light, texture, time and space.

View her website at

Maria Pisano to Top

Maria G. Pisano is the director of MGP Studio Arts and publishes artists books and prints under the Memory Press imprint. Her works are in numerous private and public collections, including the Library of Congress, the New York Public Library, the American Art Museum and National Portrait Gallery, Stanford University, the University of Delaware and many more. Her book, Vita Defuncta, is part of the GBW 100th anniversary exhibit. She has published articles in the book arts publications Tabaellae Ansatae and Dog Eared Magazine. Her work is featured in Making Memory Books by Hand by Kristina Feliciano. Over the years she has been continually involved in curating exhibits, such as "The Elements: Creative Energy" at the Hunterdon Museum of Art, in Clinton, NJ. In 2006 she presented a paper at the Constructions of Death, Mourning, and Memory Conference. This will be followed in 2007 with an exhibit of the book works, at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee. Ms. Pisano can be reached at MGPstudio@AOL.COM.

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