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Decorated Papers

The Phoebe Jane Easton Bibliography of Marbling. This bibliography was once part of the website. At

  • Arbeitskreis Buntpapier: German language site for all things decorated paper. Browse via Google Translate.
  • Galen Berry's Marble Art.
  • buntpapier – pART des buches: Richly illustrated full text of lecture in German by Gisela Reschke (2013) on creating specific decorated papers (pastedpapers, marbled) for binding designs. PDF
  • Buntpapier: Beschreibung, Terminologie, Abbildungen. German language site about decorated papers with descriptive information, terminologie for describing, and illustrations. Via Google Translate.
  • Colophon Book Arts Supply: In Washington state. Specializes in Marbling, suminagashi and bookbinding supplies.
  • Creating Your Own Pastepaper: Tutorial describing various methods from the Cornell Book Arts Club.
  • Decorated and Decorative Paper Collection: This database showcases a selection of decorated and decorative papers from Europe, primarily Germany, France and Italy, produced between the 17th and 19th centuries. Representative samples include Western marbled paper, paste papers and decorative papers, such as Dutch gilt and lithographically or linoleum block printed paper. Some examples of Suminagashi are also included in the database. Selected paper samples in this digital collection include loose samples, as well as paper that has been used for the covers and endsheets of books. From the University of Washington Digital Collections.
  • Decorated Papers: A Ligatus project to compile a reference database of decorated papers and a tool to assist their identification and recording.
  • Dharma Trading Co: Marbling tips and supplies.
  • Madeleine Durham: Printmaking, Paste Papers, Book Arts. Lively shapes and strong patterns are a central part of my imagery. Rich color and transparent layering are vital to the intuitive method that I use in developing my paste papers, books, and prints. My paste papers are all created on Archival Arches Text Wove and Masa papers. I make many of my own combs and I use a variety of pastes.
  • Buntpapier-Manufaktur: Stellt Buntpapiere für die Restaurierung (Möbel, Bücher etc.) und andere Verwendungszwecke her - nach historischem Vorbild oder eigenen Entwürfen. Site in German, English coming soon.
  • Hamburger Buntpapier: Custom historic pastepapers for conservation and other uses made by Susanne Krause.
  • International Marbling Network: dedicated to the preservation and promotion of the art of marbling internationally through the sponsorship of events and the development of educational resources and scholarship.
  • Marie Kelzer Designs: See Marie Kelzer's site for Paste Paper recipe and samples of paste paper designs.
  • Jemma Lewis Marbling & Design: Papers are based upon traditional and historic designs as well as a number of contemporary ones. In Wiltshire, UK. Ships internationally.
  • Marbled Arts: The old technique is still alive and foster an infinite variety of patterns and color combinations for the marbled and combed paper: book bindings, picture framing etc. This paper can be used to cover just about anything. Our local production consists of a large variety of objects entirely made and colored internally; marbled paper - size 50 by 70 cm - can be produced by placing a special order. In Florence, Italy.
  • Marbled Paper Arts: Marbling from Germany, mamorierte Papiere aus Deutschland.
  • Marbling: Marbling listserv at Yahoo Groups.
  • Marbling in Spain: Blog of Antonio Vélez Celemín who since 2004 has turned a passion into a business as well as carrying out research works on this technique.
  • Marbling -- SIMPLEST & Great Results: Marbling instructions by Mark Wangberg from the Book_Arts-L listserv.
  • Diane Maurer: Noted teacher and author on marbling, paste papers, and other decorative paper techniques.
  • Moth Marblers: In Sausalito, CA.
  • Naile Art House: Classic Turkish ebru in our Urgup studio. We make customized ebru by special orders, these can include unique Turkish motifs, such as whirling dervishes, ceramic tiles, etc. In Cappadocia, Turkey.
  • Papel Decorado: Decorated paper page at Taller de Oficios del Libro in Chile. Page in Spanish with beautiful contemporary and historical examples.
  • Paper Legacy Project: In 2018, the Metropolitan Museum of Art's Thomas J. Watson Library established the Paper Legacy study collection: a collecting initiative to document the work and histories of prominent professional American decorative paper artists active from the late 1960s to the present.
  • Paper Marbling, all the tips and tricks of years marbling paper (including book edge marbling). By Richard Norman. PDF download at bottom of page.
  • Paper Marbling: Building Connoisseurship by Exploring Traditional Patterns and Techniques. A post by Melissa Tedone about teaching marbling to students in the Art Conservation Department at the University of Delaware.
  • Paste Paper Recipes compiled by Richard Miller. This is in the Book_Arts-L archive.
  • Video on Paste Paper and How to Make it: This video will cover basic paste papers. I'll do some pulled papers, basic combs, and draw some patterns with fingers vaguely in the Herrnhut style. Video by Darryn Schneider / DAS Bookbinding.
  • Paste Papers on Pinterest: Lots of images of papers and uses for them, with some links out.
  • Paste Paper Tutorial: From Lili Hall's Bookbinding Blog.
  • Paste Papers: This manual was put together in order to help someone set up a small production facility making what I call "Paste Printed" papers. From Eden Workshops.
  • Saral's Marbled Art Works: Magnificent site with
  • many examples of work by Turkish marbler Ahmet Saral.
  • The Story of Pastepapers at the Four Hands Design Studio: Includes links to samples of pastepaper patterns...
  • Simple Suminagashi - Lesson Plan: This "no-fail" paper marblizing project is easy and requires very little preparation or clean-up but offers amazing results - sure to please any classroom or group. A PDF version of this lesson and a materials list can be found at
  • Suminagashi: Troubleshooting Tips for Suminagashi Paper Marbling.
  • Suminagashi with Martha Stewart
  • Turkish Marbling, Ebru
  • Turkish Book Arts: Description of ebru marbling.
  • Lisa Vollrath: How-to instructions for easy paste papers.

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