
On January 13, 2012, Volume 8, the largest (and regrettably last)
issue of The Bonefolder was published online. What started as an
experiment in open-access online-only publishing “way back”
in 2004 grew into perhaps the most widely read publication in the
book arts with over a quarter million downloads for all issues combined
since we began with a global readership. Listing of the The Bonefolder
in the Directory of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) placed us in just
about every research library’s online catalog, and participation
in LOCKSS will ensure long-term access to all issues (as do Syracuse
University Library’s and the Internet Archive’s servers).
This growth, however, also brought with it ever increasing workloads
for the small and incredibly dedicated editorial staff who solicited
articles, worked with authors, and much more. With the 2011 issue
we switched to an annual format (something catalogers curse publishers
for) in the hopes that it would allow us to streamline processes
and spread the work out as it came in. Alas, that did not happen
in the way we had hoped and the process became unsustainable…
When we began we knew it would be a challenge, albeit a fun one
inspired by other independent publications such as Fine Print and
Bookways, but also membership publications such as The New Bookbinder
and The Guild of Book Workers Journal. Since we started other publications
in the book arts other sprung up but ours remains the only freely
accessible journal in the field.
Looking back, I think we more than surpassed our initial goals,
and while I have deep regrets about “closing the book”
I feel it is far better to leave the field at the zenith when we
all still have energy for other pursuits (that we all know will
come) rather than forcing ourselves to continue. So, it is with
an intense sense of pride that I thank all those who have worked
to make this publication the success it became – Donia Conn
who encouraged me to start things in 2004, Pamela Barrios, Chela
Metzger and Don Rash who formed the original core, Karen Hanmer
who soon joined the team, and finally Ann Carroll Kearney who was
a very welcome addition with this issue. To Samantha Quell, a long-time
student of mine, our thanks for indexing our 14 issues thereby enhancing
access. All of you contributed greatly to our success. Finally though,
we would have not been able to exist at all if not for our authors,
some established, some new, who filled our issues with articles
that covered the full spectrum of the book arts.
To all thank you!
The Bind-O-Ramas
, a Bonefolder staple will continue, of course, as part of The
Book Arts Web. Likewise, Bonefolder
Extras will be used for occasional more formal announcements
and reviews.
The Bonefolder was named for Das Falzbein,
a bookbinding journal which existed under various other names from
1927 to 1966 in Germany, and provided generations of bookbinders
with an important source of learning. While the trade and craft
of bookbinding have changed greatly since then, it is hoped that
our publication will inform and stimulate all levels of practitioners
and lovers of the book as an artform and structure.
The Bonefolder was listed in the Directory
of Open Access Journals (DOAJ) and is archived as part of the
New York University Library's contribution to LOCKSS
(Lots of Copies Keep Stuff Safe) Humanities Project, an international
cooperative project which developed open source software to provide
librarians with an easy and inexpensive way to collect, store, preserve,
and provide access to electronic journal content into the future.
Peter D. Verheyen
Publisher / Editor
The Bonefolder (online) ISSN 1555-6565
Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-NoDerivs 4.0 International
Downloadable Issues in PDF
- Index
to Volumes 1 – 8, 2004 – 2012
- Volume 8, 2012
- Volume 7, 2011
- Volume 6, Number 2, Spring 2010
- Volume 6, Number 1, Fall 2009
- Volume 5, Number 2, Spring 2009
- Volume 5, Number 1, Fall 2008
- Volume 4, Number 2, Spring 2008
- Volume 4, Number 1, Fall 2007
- Volume 3, Number 2, Spring 2007
- Volume 3, Number 1, Fall 2006
- Volume 2, Number 2, Spring 2006
- Volume 2, Number 1, Fall 2005
- Volume 1, Number 2, Spring 2005
- Volume 1, Number 1, Fall 2004
Read The Bonefolder at the Internet
Archive with other download options.
Editorial Board: The people who brought you The