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Curriculum Vitae Peter D. Verheyen

Personal Data | Work Experiences | Professional Memberships | Publications | Workshops/Talks | Exhibitions

Personal Data

Contact Information:


Peter D. Verheyen

Peter D. Verheyen



  • 1988: Mellon Internship in rare book conservation at the Folger Shakespeare Library.
  • 1985: DAAD (German Academic Exchange Service) Fellowship for German Area Studies.


  • Distinguished Service Award, 2021: This award represents recognition by one’s peers of significant contributions to Syracuse University Libraries and the broader community of libraries, service to the profession, and excellence in professional skills.
  • Lifetime Achievement Award, 2016: The Guild of Book Workers' Lifetime Achievement Award is presented to individuals regardless of membership for service to the profession of the book arts.
  • Laura Young Award, 2009: The Laura Young Award recognizes members who have made an outstanding contribution of service to the Guild of Book Workers.
  • Harmatan Leather Award for Forwarding in the "Cased Binding" category with Saturday Night,1953 / The Elements. Society of Bookbinders' Bookbinding Competition, 2003.
  • Professional Associate, American Institute of Conservation, 2002-2016.
  • Delta Phi Alpha German Honor Society, 1985.
  • Biography listed in Marquis' Who's Who in America, 2007 - 2017.
  • Biography listed in Marquis' Who's Who in the World, 2008 - 2017.


  • German, speak, read and write fluently.

Work Experiences | Top

  • Syracuse University Libraries 1995-1998, 1999-1/2025 :
    • 2013 - 1/2025: Research and Emerging Issues Analyst, Program Management Center, Syracuse University Libraries. This position assists the Library in identifying, processing, analyzing, interpreting and maintaining the information it needs to help provide a better place and services for patrons. This includes institutional reporting to ARL, ACRL, IPEDS.
    • 2008 - 2013: As Head, Preservation and Conservation responsibilities included the rare book conservation lab, circulating collections repair, and audio reformatting. Also played a strong role in digital preservation activities and planning related to preservation of collections as they relate to the new offsite storage facility. Other activities included creating and leading the Mentoring Team (past Chair) and numerous other committees. In addition I led an active program of conservation internships and outreach related to the book arts and preservation, as well as maintenance of departmental web pages and subject guides for Book Arts and Conservation and Preservation. Supervised 2 FTE professional staff, up to 3 technical, and up to 10 work-study students, and interns. Promoted to "Librarian," Fall 2008.
    • 1999 - 2008: Preservation and Access Librarian for Special Collections Research Center, Syracuse University Library. Responsibilities included: serving as member of senior management team for the Special Collections Research Center ; management of Conservation Lab; conservation of rare materials; digitization and encoding of primary source material; web site maintenance and design; exhibitions curation and preparation; project management. Member of digitization related committees. Have served on promotion committee (1 yr. as Chair) and multiple search committees. Supervised 1 FTE professional staff, up to 2 work-study students, and interns. Promoted to Associate Librarian with "permanent status," Fall 2003.
    • 1995-1998: Conservation Librarian for the Syracuse University Library. Member of Library Web Development Committee and past chair of the Library’s University Relations Committee (LURC). Responsibilities in this 3 year, grant-funded, position included establishment of conservation lab and conservation of Special Collections materials; digitization and encoding of collection finding-aids and primary source materials; design and maintenance of 3 departmental websites. Supervised up to 3 work-study students.
  • Spring, 2003: Adjunct Faculty / Binder in Residence , Wells College Book Arts Center. Co-taught Bookbinding I and II. Courses focus on developing a strong background in the principles of traditional bookbinding. Covered techniques include pamphlet, concertina, 4-hole Japanese, German (Bradel) case binding, enclosures, and decorated papers.
  • 1998-1999: Archival Product Manager / Staff Conservator, Gaylord Brothers, Syracuse, NY. Position entailed working with manufacturing, purchasing, sales, customer service and marketing operations to manage a multi-million dollar product line. Also monitored the Help Line, a free preservation consulting service.
  • 1993-1995: Rare Book Conservator for the Cornell University Library. Supervised 2 FTE. Involved with planning and implementation of conservation component of NEH funded project, and treatment of special collections materials.
  • 1991-1992: Employed as Assistant Conservator in the Yale University Libraries. Worked on items from Yale's special collections and supervised 2 FTE + up to 4 students in paperback stiffening.
  • 1988-1991: Assistant Conservator to William Minter, Chicago, IL.
  • Fall, 1988: Attended 3-month Mellon Internship in rare book conservation at the Folger Shakespeare Library with Frank Mowery.
  • 1988 Assistant Conservator at Midwest Book and Paper Conservation, a division of The Monastery Hill Bindery, Chicago, IL.
  • 1987 - Present: Working as binder and conservator in private practice. Clients have included the National Gallery of Art Library, the Iowa State University Library, Xerox Corporation, the Syracuse University Library, Central New York Library Resource Council as well as private collectors. Work has included all levels of conservation treatments, hands-on workshops, consultancies, and project website development.
  • Fall, 1987: Attended courses in paper conservation and the restoration of leather, vellum, and those bindings which have wooden boards at the Professional School for Book Restorers (Centro del bel Libro) in Ascona, Switzerland.
  • 1985-1987: Formal apprenticeship in the Kunstbuchbinderei Dietmar Klein, Gelsenkirchen, Germany. Final Examination (Gesellenprüfung) completed July, 1987.
  • Fall, 1984: 3-month internship in the bindery of the Germanisches Nationalmuseum, Nuremberg, Germany.
  • 1981-1984: Work-study student in the Department of Conservation and Preservation at the Milton S. Eisenhower Library of The Johns Hopkins University.

Professional Memberships and Service | Top

    Current Member:

  • Designer Bookbinders (Member 1987-)
  • Guild of Book Workers: Chair/Editor, Journal, 2019-21; Chair, Awards Committee, 2017; Past Chair, Exhibitions Committee, 1990 - 1996, 2004 - 2006; member of Exhibitions Committee, 2006-2008; Chair , Publicity / Public Relations Committee, 1996-2002. (Member 1987-2014, 2016-∞)

Past Member:

Past Service:

  • See also Guild of Book Workers, American Library Association,American Institute of Conservation, and Meister der Einbandkunst above.
  • Editor, Journal of New Librarianship. 2016-17.
  • Reviewed New York State Discretionary grant proposals for conservation treatment. 1993, 2008-2015.
  • Reviewed National Endowment for the Humanities / National Park System administered “Save America’s Treasures” grants, 2004 - 2005.
  • Central Library Resource Council (CLRC) Member, Digitization Committee, 2008-2009. Member, LSTA Digitization Project Committee "Preparing CNY History for the Future" 2001- 2002. Chair, Preservation Committee, 1999 - 2001. Member, Preservation Committee, 1996-2001. Member, planning committee for 5-year Regional Automation Plan, 1999.

Publications | Top




Articles, books, and other publications:

  • Die Collins | The Collins: English and German history and bibliography, 2016.
  • Book Restoration Unveiled: An Essential Guide for Bibliophiles (2019) by Sophia S.W. Bogle. Review published online at Bonefolder Extras.
  • "Pragmatism and Compromise in Conservation." A guest editorial published in e-conservation magazine 23 (2012).
  • Articles in new Gaylord Brothers e-Newsletter series.
    • Cover page and direct link to article "A Basic Approach to Archival Care," May 2011.
    • Cover page and direct link to article "The Storage of Architectural Plans and Other Oversize Materials," November 2011.
  • "Challenges to the Online Access of Conservation Literature." This guest post on Jeffrey S. Peachey's blog was in response to queries and laments from parts of the conservation community who are struggling with access to the literature. The post describes some of the issues related to access to serials in libraries including the costs of subscriptions, packaging of titles, rights, and open access. November 15, 2010.
  • Created and maintained the homepage for the Special Collections Research Center at the Syracuse University Library . This included tagging of finding aids in HTML and SGML/XML as well as benchmarking, imaging, and encoding project sites for: Oneida Community Collection, Street and Smith Publishers Archive and Dime Novel Cover Art Gallery, Erie Railroad Glass Plate Negative Collection, Gerrit Smith Broadside Collection, Charles Eisenmann Photographs, and Marcel Breuer Architectural Drawings and Sketches. Projects were originally presented as static HTML pages but since Summer 2005 have been brought into CONTENTdm. 1995 - 2008.
  • Review of the postprints to The Changing Book conference held at the University of Iowa in 2006. Postprints contained all (save one) papers given at this significant conference for the history of the book, conservation, and the book arts. The Bonefolder, vol 5, no 1, 2008,
  • Produced online catalog for the Central New York Book Arts. Exhibition dates June 1 - August 17, 2007.
  • Produced online catalog for the The Art of the Book, the Book as Art, (Printmaking 552). Exhibition dates March 26 - May 18, 2007.
  • Produced online catalog for the The Book of Origins: A Survey of American Fine Binding. Exhibition dates January 2007 - February, 2008.
  • Produced online catalog for the Guild of Book Workers 100th Anniversary Exhibition. The exhibition features both a retrospective and a juried exhibition of contemporary works. Exhibition dates September 2006 - November 2007.
  • "The Edelpappband, or “Millimeter” Binding." The Bonefolder, an e-journal for the Bookbinder and Book Artist, volume 1, number 2, spring 2005.
  • Book Art 2003: Online catalog to an exhibit of book works by students in the Foundation Program of the School of Art and Design, School of Visual and Performing Arts at Syracuse University. Mounted and curated the exhibit, which was extensively advertised using internet resources. Spring, 2003.
  • SU Book Art: Online catalog to an exhibit of book works by freshman, printmaking, and continuing education students, as well as alums from the School of Art and Design, School of Visual and Performing Arts at Syracuse University. Mounted and curated the exhibit, which was extensively advertised using internet resources. Spring, 2000.
  • Abecedarium: produced online version of catalog for Guild of Book Workers 1998-1999 traveling exhibition.
  • The Illustrated and Published Works of John Vassos: 1927 - 1946: an illustrated bibliography of Vassos’ published works, concentrating on the publishers’ bindings, publication details (where available), as well as published reviews. "Completed" in January, 1997 and currently not available pending revision.
  • The Book as Art: Building a Foundation: This is the online catalog to a bookarts exhibit by students in the Foundation Program of the School of Art and Design, School of Visual and Performing Arts at Syracuse University. Mounted and assisted in curating the exhibit which was extensively advertised using internet resources. Spring, 1996.
  • Index of Internet Resources: an AskERIC Infoguide compiled by Peter Verheyen. Contains information on internet tutorials, search engines, and some K-12 resources. Completed as part of "reference" class. Fall 1995.
  • Created and managed the Guild of Book Workers website, hosted by CoOL (Conservation Online. Summer 1994-2002.
  • Created and manage Book_Arts-L, a listserv for the bookarts. June 24, 1994 to June 1, 2023. This also includes the Book Arts Web, an online resource list and exhibition gallery. Summer 1995 to present. Includes the Book_Arts-L listerv archive hosted by CoOL (Conservation Online. Summer 1994 to 2008).

Print Exhibition Catalogs:

  • Guild of Book Workers 100th Anniversary Exhibition: Curated, edited and oversaw production of, and provided introduction to, the catalog for the Guild of Book Workers' single venue retrospective and subsequent traveling exhibition. Produced online version. 2006
  • CNY Book Arts: Traditional to Innovative: produced print and web-based catalog to show of same name. Summer - Fall 2001.
  • Paper Bound: Exhibition catalog for the 1996-1997 Guild of Book Workers Traveling exhibition. Co-designer with Peter Thomas of print version and designer / producer of online version.
  • Designed, produced and bound catalog for the July 1994 solo-exhibition Different By Design: Book Bindings by Peter Verheyen.
  • Editor for exhibition catalog to the 1992-1994 Guild of Book Workers traveling exhibition, Fine Printers Finely Bound, Too.
  • Co-editor, with William Minter, of Chicago Hand Bookbinders 10th Anniversary Exhibition catalog. Responsible for photography and design of catalog binding.

Mentioned / Cited / Interviews:

Workshops/Talks/Projects | Top

Ongoing Presentations and Workshops:

  • Lecture to classes and host independent studies at whose foci are the history of the book, use the "book form" to express some idea, or more traditional binding topics including how-to instruction and materials, equipment, etc. Mention on instructor's blog given in response to a presentation. Other topics have included the preservation and conservation of books for book collectors. 1993-2017.
  • Teaching formal and informal bookbinding classes, 1988-. Classes are structured to individual student needs and cover various techniques of traditional binding. Taught semester-long book arts course (Printmaking 552) in Printmaking program, School of Visual and Performing arts, Syracuse University. Served as "tutor" for student completing independent study degree in "Book Arts" through Empire State College.

Presentations and Workshops Given:

  • Fish Skin Binding: [Re]introducing this distinctive material for unique bindings. Slides for the online gallery talk at the opening of Wild/Life, traveling exhibition of the Guild of Book Workers. October 7, 2021.
  • Down the Rabbit Hole: Embracing experience and serendipity in a life of research, binding practice, and publishing, 2021 William Anthony Conservation Lecture (online), the University of Iowa Libraries. September 30, 2021.
    • Presentation video recording on YouTube | Presentation slides.
    • In conjunction with the lecture, taught a 2-day workshop "The Bradel Binding and its Illustrious History" for UI Conservation Staff and UI Center for the Book Students with funds provided by the Nadia Sophie Seiler Fund (online). October 1-2, 2021. The workshop materials including literature review and instructions for binding have been serialized in three parts on the Pressbengel Project blog. Link goes to first installment with links to the next two.
  • Making Parchment From Fish Skin. A semi-impromptu webinar demonstrating the process with Q&A. April 28, 2020.
  • A Bookbinder’s Journey: My analog and virtual life in the book arts. An autobiographical presentation about my career path, creative binding, and role building online book arts communities. Presentation was accompanied by a viewing of bindings. 48th Susan Garretson Swartzburg ’60 Memorial Book Arts Lecture, Wells College Book Arts Center, October 17, 2019. Presentation video | Presentation slides.
  • A Bookbinder's Journey: An autobiographical presentation about my creative binding work and related projects. Presentation was accompanied by question & answer and viewing of bindings. Syracuse University Libraries Assembly (SULA), July 30, 2018. Presentation video | Presentation slides.
  • Fundamentals of Preservation: Instructor. Offered by ALA's Association for Library Collections & Technical Services (ALCTS). the Fundamentals of Preservation (FOP) web course is an introduction to the principles, policies and practices of preservation in libraries and archives. It is designed to inform all staff, across divisions and departments and at all levels of responsibility. Provides tools to begin extending the useful life of library collections. Spring 2011-2017.
  • Preserving Digital Collections- An Overview: Session 3 of a three-part of the Library Preservation Today! ALA/ALCTS webinar. March 16, 2016. Revised and updated repeat of webinar from June 18, 2014. Recording available here.
  • Teaching Book Arts at Syracuse University Libraries: "Lightning talk" presented at the Identifying Our Role, Impacts, and Opportunities on our Campus! unconference hosted by the Professional Concerns and Development Committee, Syracuse University Libraries, December 18, 2015.
  • Co-hosted ALCS "e-forum on Sustainable Preservation Programs. A summary of the e-forum can be read here. April 22-23, 2015.
  • Preserving Digital Collections- An Overview: Session 3 of a three-part of the Library Preservation Today! ALA/ALCTS Virtual Preconference. June 18, 2014. Recording (with some audio issues) on ALA/ALCTS YouTube channel.
  • Archival 101: Dealing with Suppliers of Archival Products: This ALA/ALCTS webinar is designed to demystify the archival product terminology and market for the layperson and non-preservation specialist. April 25, 2013. Updated version of that given May 11, 2010.
  • Special Formats, Innovative Preservation Storage Solutions: Expanded version of earlier (2009) presentation that discusses the types of materials; challenges of the materials; storage options; transport and access; other considerations of oversized materials in libraries and archives. The presentation also discussed the tube storage system developed for architectural and other over-sized drawings at Syracuse University Library as a case-study. Presented at Northern New York Library Network's 3rd Annual North Country Archives & Special Collections Conference: Basics & Beyond. April 12, 2012.
  • Accordion Book Making Workshop: Held in conjunction with the Central New York Reads program of the Onondaga County Public Library at their Paine Branch. March 27, 2012.
  • Book Repair Basics for Libraries: This presentation was delivered with Marianne Hanley as an ALA/ALCTS webinar to familiarize viewers with different aspects of circulating collections book repair for school, public, and academic library staff. The webinar shows basic descriptions of techniques using images, and video. September 14, 2011.
  • Archival 101: Dealing with Suppliers of Archival Products: This presentation was delivered to CLRC and is designed to demystify the archival product terminology and market for the layperson and non-preservation specialist. October 15, 2010.
  • Archival 101: Dealing with Suppliers of Archival Products: This ALA/ALCTS webinar is designed to demystify the archival product terminology and market for the layperson and non-preservation specialist. May 11, 2010.
  • Fit to be Bound in New York: Illustrated lecture on the book arts as practiced in New York State over the past 100 years. Topics will included the training required to become a binder, the types of materials used, the growth of book arts organizations and "centers," and a look into the future. Also included was a show and tell of bindings and artist's books from the speakers collection. May 8, 2010. [See also under "Other Projects"]
  • Co-hosted ALCTS "e-forum" on Preservation Practices Today: Managing Shrinking Budgets and Changing Formats. The postings from this 2-day discussion can be found in the archives. March 9-10, 2010.
  • Special Formats, Innovative Preservation Storage Solutions: A Presentation to the New York Archives Conference held at LeMoyne College in Syracuse, NY on June 4, 2009. The presentation dealt with the tube storage system developed for architectural and other oversized drawings at Syracuse. See also: Storage of Architectural Materials at the Syracuse University Library.
  • The Preserving of Gifts and Donors: A presentation to the Central New York Library Resource Council (CLRC) & Documentary Heritage Program (DHP) at Fayetteville Free Library, April 15, 2009. The workshop dealt with accepting gifts to collections and the impact of the implications of preservation and conservation concerns with those items.
  • Co-principle in An Alphabet in Your Backyard 2-year project bringing together Foundation students from the College of Visual and Performing Arts at Syracuse and selected local high schools. A different high school will be part of the project each semester. Roles include speaking on the book arts and showing examples of various structures by students and established artists, hands-on instruction, and preparation of materials. Finished works will be exhibited at Syracuse University Library, online, and a published work will be prepared for each school. Fall 2008 - Spring 2010.
  • Lead presenter, with Bradley Shipps, Syracuse University iSchool intern, of 2-part workshop on Lessons for Scanning to members of the Northern NY Library Network. Part 1 focused on “Planning Your Digitization Project” and “Introduction to Scanning.” Part 2 focused on “Metadata, Intermediate Scanning, and More,” also serving as a wrap-up to both parts. Potsdam, NY, September 28 and October 8, 2008.
  • Spoke on the Digital Experience at Syracuse University Library as part of a panel at the New York Archives Conference in Potsdam, NY, May 28, 2008.
  • Practice Creating Digital Collections: Part of the "Ready, Set, Digitize" workshop series hosted by CLRC and SCLRC. Cortland, NY, November 12, 2007. The workshop walked attendees through the processes of scanning and manipulating metadata.
  • A Day with "Master" Bookbinder Peter D. Verheyen: Historic endband workshop and lecture on training and professional path presented to the Cornell University Book Arts Club. Audio (63 MB, 66min, MP3) of the lecture as well as PDF slides (4.5 MB PDF) are available from Cornell's eCommons. October 11, 2007.
  • Planning for and Managing Digital Projects: Part of the "Ready, Set, Digitize" workshop series hosted by CLRC and SCLRC. Cortland, NY, September 10, 2007. Resource list of helpful publications and other resources.
  • Taught semester-long book arts course (Printmaking 552) in the Printmaking Department of the School of Art and Design, College of Visual and Performing Arts at Syracuse University. Spring 2007.
  • Copyright Law and Digitization: guidelines for a successful project: Spoke on special collections digitization projects at Syracuse University Library and issues related to their development. The event was hosted by CLRC at the Fayetteville Free Library, January 24, 2007.
  • Spoke with Nicolette Schneider on special collections digitization projects at Syracuse University Library and issues related to their development. The Digitization Expo and Vendor Showcase was organized by the Western New York Library Resource Council. May 24, 2006.
  • Setting Preservation Priorities: A how-to workshop sponsored by CLRC. Participant in "preservation priorities panel discussion" and presenter of afternoon workshop on Dealing with Archival Suppliers. Spoke about and answered questions concerning selecting the most appropriate materials to house your collections, different storage options, terminology found in various catalogs, and how to get the best deal from vendors. Workshop held at Liverpool Public Library, March 21, 2006.
  • Presented 2-day workshop on Variations on the German Case Binding which included the Millimeter/Edelpappband at the Garage Annex School for Book Arts, Easthampton, MA. April 17-18, 2004.
  • Co-presented (With Donia Conn) poster on historic endbands at the "Friday Forum," the Guild of Book Workers' Standards of Excellence seminar, Denver, CO. October, 2003.
  • Presented 2-day Springback Binding and evening Historic Endbands workshop at the Minnesota Center for Book Arts. September 6-8, 2003.
  • Presented 2-day workshop on the Springback Binding to the New England Chapter of the Guild of Book Workers at the Garage Annex School for Book Arts. May 3-4, 2003.
  • Presented 2-day Vellum Over Boards and evening Historic Endbands workshops at The San Francisco Center for the Book. Also spoke to Hand Bookbinders of California on the "springback binding." March 1-4, 2003.
  • Co-presented (With Donia Conn) poster on springback binding at the "Friday Forum," the Guild of Book Workers' Standards of Excellence seminar, Minneapolis, MN. September, 2002.
  • Disaster Planning, a workshop on disaster preparedness and planning presented to the Central New York Library Resources Council Regional Preservation Needs Assessment Project. April 25, 2002.
  • Vellum Over Boards: Hands-on demonstration on binding in vellum presented to four sessions at the Guild of Book Workers' Standards of Excellence conference. Alexandria, VA. October 5-6, 2001. Also presented poster on same subject. Presentation reviewed in the Guild of Book Workers Newsletter, February, 2002.
  • Bookbinding: A Thriving Craft? Lecture to the Syracuse University Library Associates. March 1, 2001.
  • Panelist on discussion concerning training and education for bookbinders and conservators at Guild of Book Workers, New England Chapter meeting. Hanover, NH. January, 2001.
  • Lecture on my apprenticeship/work experience and the state of bookbinding today. Held in conjunction with solo exhibition in the Utica College Library, September 26, 2000
  • Taught 7 week basic bookbinding class in Syracuse University's Humanistic Studies Program, Spring 2000.
  • Dealing with Archival Suppliers: archival basics, choosing the right materials, what does it all mean, getting the best price. A workshop presented by the CLRC Preservation Committee and Documentary Heritage Program. December, 1999 and June, 2000.
  • Historical Endband Styles: A hands-on workshop in which participants learned 8 historical endband styles and variations. Held at Columbia College Chicago Center for Book and Paper Arts. June 5, 1999.
  • <EAD> Implementation: A presentation dealing with issues relating to starting the EAD implementation process and including why, or why not, we should implement, what benefits and risks will there be, computing infrastructure, staffing, and distribution of finding aids. Presented at the 1999 MARAC Conference May 5, 1999.
  • Getting us out / Bringing us together: How listservs and the Web have changed the way in which book artists work and communicate. Presented at "Hot Type in a Cold World," a symposium celebrating the 25th anniversary of the Silver Buckle Press at the University of Wisconsin, Madison. November 20, 1998.
  • Disaster Planning, a workshop on disaster preparedness and planning presented to the Documentary Heritage Program / CLRC. First presented June 2, 1998.
  • Presentation on SGML and various text and meta-data encoding initiatives to Digital Libraries Seminar at the School of Information Studies, Syracuse University. Spring, 1998.
  • Presentation on the EAD at the Lake Ontario Archives Conference (LOAC) in Fredonia, NY, with Tom Ruller of the NY State Archives. Spoke about issues and concerns related to implementation of the EAD, especially for smaller institutions. June 14, 1997.
  • Lectured on library disasters: planning and dealing with them. Western New York Conservation Guild, Buffalo, NY. Oct 9, 1993.
  • Lectured on becoming a bookbinder / conservator, based on my training in this country and abroad. Kroch Library, Cornell University. March 19, 1993.
  • Presented workshop on pastepapers at the Creative Arts Workshop in New Haven, CT, October 19, 1991.
  • Presented joint workshop with Mrs. Heinke Pensky-Adam on historical endbands which was held at the Artists Book Works in Chicago on July 9, 1988.

Exhibits and Events Organized:

  • Organized and host the Fish Skin Bind-O-Rama, an online exhibition of bookbindings, artists' books, and objects made using fish skin prepared by the artists.
  • Organized Syracuse University Libraries' unconference on the theme of Identifying Our Role, Impacts, and Opportunities on our Campus! Hosted by the Professional Concerns and Development Committee, December 18, 2015.
  • Coordinated and managed Brodsky Endowment for the Advancement of Library Conservation. The series brought noted speakers and workshop presenters to the Syracuse University Library. 2005 - 2012.
  • Co-curated Dawn of New Age: The Immigrant Contribution to the Arts in America. The exhibit introduces five artists who arrived from Europe during the first half of the twentieth century. All were prominent in their respective fields, and each of them created a dynamic vision for a new America. An article about the exhibition was included in the January 14 issue of the Daily Orange. Fall 2008.
  • Organized Guild of Book Workers 100th Anniversary Exhibition. Responsibilities included complete planning and organization, securing of venues, curation of retrospective exhibition, development of online entry process for juried exhibition, securing internal and external funds ($25,000 target, $29,000 achieved), receiving and registering entries, coordinating catalog production with photographers and designers, marketing/advertising, and production of online catalog to accompany print version.
  • Coordinated "Friday Forum" of poster displays by attendees of the Guild of Book Workers' Standards of Excellence seminar, Portland, OR, 2005.
  • Coordinated "Friday Forum" of poster displays by attendees of the Guild of Book Workers' Standards of Excellence seminar, Providence, RI, 2004. Co-presented posters on Spring[binding] Hath Sprung, a springback binding exhibition and the debut of The Bonefolder, an e-journal for the bookbinder and book artist.
  • Coordinated "Friday Forum" of poster displays by attendees of the Guild of Book Workers' Standards of Excellence seminar, Denver, CO, 2003. Co-presented poster on historic endbands with Donia Conn.
  • Coordinated "Friday Forum" of poster displays by attendees of the Guild of Book Workers' Standards of Excellence seminar, Minneapolis, MN, 2002. Co-presented poster on springback binding with Donia Conn.
  • Organized and co-ordinated 2001 CNY Book Arts: Traditional to Innovative. Responsible for raising $3500 in form of foundation grants and gifts, as well as producing of fully illustrated catalog to accompany the exhibition.
  • Curated and mounted exhibition of student work from various book arts related Foundation Program classes at the College of Visual and Performing Arts, Syracuse University. Spring 1996,1998, and 2000.
  • Organized and coordinated 1996-1997 Guild of Book Workers Traveling exhibition, Paper Bound. Co-designer with Peter Thomas of print version and designer / producer of online version.
  • Organized a university-wide preservation awareness poster contest whose subject was the dangers posed by food and drink in the library. Resulted in the printing of posters, postcards, and bookmarks. Fall 1993.
  • Organized the Cornell University Library’s (in conjunction with the Library Public Affairs Department) display booth at Reunion Weekend. Featured were the activities of the Department of Preservation and Conservation. June 4-5, 1993.
  • Organized and coordinated 1992-1994 Guild of Book Workers traveling exhibition, Fine Printers Finely Bound, Too.
  • Organized and promoted talk by Jan Sobota to Chicago Hand Bookbinders at Artists Book Works, August 11th, 1989.

Selected Workshops & Conferences Attended:

  • Know Your User: Research Methods Beyond Usability Testing. A Library Juice Academy. Course covers a selection of user research methods, including user interviews, observational studies, card sorting and A/B testing, that can be used to answer questions not typically answered through usability testing. March 2020.
  • Fundamentals of Collection Assessment. An ALA/ALCTS online course. October 1 – November 9, 2018.
  • Society of American Archivists DAS courses. March 11-14, 2014.
    • Digital Archives and Libraries
    • Preserving Digital Archives
    • Digital Forensics for Archivists - Part I & II
  • Implementing Online Teaching and Learning: Using Moodle and Other Web 2.0 Features. An ALA/ALCTS online course. September 10 - October 5, 2012.
  • American Institute of Conservation (AIC ): Ethos, Logos, Pathos: Ethical Principles and Critical Thinking in Conservation, Philadelphia, PA • May 31 - June 1, 2011.
  • The Hybrid Book – Intersection and Intermedia: Brought together established and emerging artists, scholars, librarians and educators to explore a variety of topics in a series of eight panels.Panels included Book Arts in Academia, Book Arts in the Social Sphere, the Future of Letterpress, Intersection and Intermedia, Modes of Production, Offset Applications, The Reciprocity of Books and Digital Media, and Text and the Hybrid Book. University of the Arts, Phildelphia, PA, June 4-6, 2009.
  • Standards of Excellence. Annual seminar of the Guild of Book Workers. Features presentations on advanced binding and conservation techniques. Attended: 1989 - 1995, 1998 - 2005, 2011.
  • iPres Conference on the Preservation of Digital Objects: The theme of the conference was Words to Deeds: Collaboration in the Realm of Digital Preservation. Cornell University, October 8-10, 2006.
  • New York State Higher Education Initiative Annual Meeting. Focus on digital preservation. New York, NY. June 5, 2006.
  • Making Sense of Metadata: Workshop provided an overview of metadata concepts and examples of practical applications such as cross-walking. NYLINK, Albany, NY. September 22, 2005.
  • Artists' Books Online: Working group meeting in Charlottesville, VA. The project, led by Johanna Drucker, is a developing a DTD which will provide enhanced access to artists' book collections. June 6-7, 2005. As a member of the Work Group/Advisory Board I continue to provide input to the project.
  • Emerging Technologies 2004, a workshop with Roy Tennant, California Digital Library, hosted by CLRC. September 20, 2004.
  • Digital Preservation Management, a workshop offered by the Cornell University Library. August 3 - 8, 2003.
  • Full Metal Binding, taught by Daniel Kelm. Garage Annex School, Easthampton, MA, October 19-20, 2002.
  • Managing the Past, taught by Nicolas Barker. Rare Book School, Charlottesville, VA, July 28 - August 2, 2002.
  • Redefining Preservation, Shaping New Solutions, Forging New Partnerships. Co-sponsored by the University of Michigan Library and the Association of Research Libraries. March 7 - 8, 2002.
  • Planning for Digitization: Everything you need to know but didn't realize that you needed to know. Presented to CLRC by Liz Bishoff, Project Director, Colorado Digitization Project. March 1, 2002.
  • Preservation Techniques for Paper Based Collections. Workshop on surface cleaning techniques presented by Elizabeth Morris. SUNY College of Environmental Science and Forestry, Syracuse, NY. March 1, 2001.
  • "Digitizing Two Projects," workshop on the digitization of full text and images from primary sources. Held at, and presented by, Mid-York Library System. December 13, 2000.
  • Training for field trial of newly developed "Climate Notebook" preservation management technology for environmental monitoring. Image Permanence Institute, Rochester, NY. November 27-28, 2000.
  • Attended Bookbinding 2000: A celebration of Bernard C. Middleton. Conference featured presentations of high-level binding and conservation techniques as well as lectures relating to the history of the book, binders, and preservation. Rochester Institute of Technology. June 1-3, 2000.
  • Digital Imaging for Libraries and Archives, a workshop presented by Anne Kenney and Oya Rieger, Department of Preservation and Conservation, Cornell University Library. July 13-18, 1997.
  • FAST workshop sponsored by RLG on digitally encoding archival finding aids in SGML (EAD). Responsible for technical details (hardware/software) and adaptation of the EAD.DTD to WordPerfect SGML editor. August 12-13, 1996.
  • Intensive one-week workshop on "polarized light microscopy", taught by Professor Walter McCrone of the McCrone Research Institute, at Cornell University. August 2-6, 1993.
  • Workshop with Jan Sobota on working in relief at GBW Midwest Chapter Meeting, June 18, 1989.

Other Projects:

  • Play With Your Books: Brought to Syracuse University Library the exhibit of altered books and hosted an afternoon workshop in Preservation for students and community members. Summer 2010
  • Juror for the Everson Museum of Arts' exhibition Fit to be Bound, an exhibiton featuring the work of New York State artists. April 17 - july 11, 2010. [See also under "Workshops and Presentations Given"]
  • Juror for the Guild of Book Workers' 2009 – 2011 traveling exhibiton entitled Marking Time. Spring 2009.
  • Principle author and coordinator for $4000 CLRC Regional Automation Grant to digitize 1500 negatives from the Clara Sipprell Collection, a selection from this 13,000+ image collection of works by this significant American photographer of the early to mid-20th century. This is a continuation of the 2008 project. 2009-2010.
  • Principle author and coordinator for $5280 CLRC Regional Automation Grant to digitize 2270 negatives from the Clara Sipprell Collection, a selection from this 13,000+ image collection of works by this significant American photographer of the early to mid-20th century. Other aspects included the (re)processing and rehousing of the collection by interns. 2008.
  • Principle author and coordinator of $4,500 CLRC Regional Automation Grant to develop search and retrieval system for EAD inventories at Syracuse University Library and fund further encoding of inventories.
  • Juror for Helen Warren DeGolyer American Bookbinding Competition hosted by Southern Methodist University's Bridwell Library. January 20, 2006
  • Principle author and coordinator of $18,000 CLRC Regional Automation Grant to digitize 668 original sketches by architect Marcel Breuer. This grant provided networked access to the images with enhanced metadata in a searchable database format and has since been integrated into the Marcel Breuer Digital Archive. The grant was awarded in December 2004 with partial funding.
  • Principle author and coordinator of $3,000 CLRC Regional Automation Grant to digitize the 1412 Charles Eisenmann photographs of circus sideshow performers. This grant provided networked access to over 1200 19th century cartes de visite and cabinet cards with enhanced metadata in a searchable database format. The grant was awarded in December 2003 with partial funding.
  • Developed tube-based storage system for architectural and other oversized materials. Pilot system for 228 tubes constructed in 2001/02. Second phase for an additional 877 units constructed during the spring of 2003. An article appeared in the AIC Book and Paper Group Annual, 2003.
  • Principle author and coordinator of $10,000 CLRC Regional Automation Grant to digitize the Gerrit Smith Broadside Collection at the Syracuse University Library. This grant will digitize and provide full text access to over 2500 pages of writings by Gerrit Smith on abolitionism, suffrage, temperance, and other social issues. The grant was fully funded, and awarded December 2001. The project was completed in January of 2003.
  • Co-juror with Richard Minsky, founder of the Center for Book Arts in New York City, of Bright Hill Press's first juried national book arts exhibit. Works were selected on basis of conceptual, aesthetic, and craft aspects. September 2, 2002.
  • As chair of CLRC Preservation Committee, instrumental in development of grant proposal for Central New York Library Resources Council Regional Preservation Needs Assessment Project. Awarded Summer 2001.
  • Coordinated CLRC Regional Automation Grant to digitize materials from the Syracuse University Library’s Erie Railroad glass plate negative collection. Responsibilities included benchmarking, setting scanning parameters, HTML tagging and project site creation. Fall 2000 - Spring 2001.
  • Coordinated CLRC Regional Automation Grant to digitize selected materials from the Syracuse University Library’s Oneida Community and Street & Smith Publishers collections. Responsibilities included benchmarking, setting scanning parameters, OCR, HTML tagging and project site creation. Worked with outside vendor for digital imaging of Street & Smith Materials. Fall 1999- Spring 2000.
  • Developed CLRC Region Digital Projects website for the Central NY Library Resource Council. Work included conversion of collection inventories into HTML from a variety of formats, digital imaging, and overall website design. Summer-Fall 1999.
  • Coordinated CLRC Regional Automation Grant to digitize selected materials from Syracuse University Library's Oneida Community Collection with the Systems Office. Included benchmarking, setting scanning parameters, HTML tagging and project site creation. Spring 1998.
  • Internship at ERIC/IT developing a DTD for the GEM (Gateway to Educational Materials) project. Project would collect and harvest metadata for K-12 lesson plans which are available on the Internet. The DTD is based on elements created for the Dublin Core Metadata Element Set. Spring 1997.
  • Conducted site visits, consultancies and workshops on a variety of subjects for libraries in the Four County Library System, a part of the SCRLC, and for the Syracuse University Library. Summer 1994-.
  • Reviewed New York State Discretionary grant proposals for conservation treatment. Spring, 1993.
  • Involved in "Action Planning" process at Yale University resulting in establishment (among others) of book repair program for general collections materials. 1992.

Exhibitions | Top

For descriptions and images of these and other bindings created see Peter Verheyen - Bookworks.

  • Society of Bookbinders 2022 Bookbinding Competition
    August 25 - 28
    University of Bath at SoB conference
    Exhibited was Life-history and habits of the salmon, sea-trout, trout, and other freshwater fish.
  • Society of Bookbinders 2019 Bookbinding Competition
    August 29 - September 1, 2019
    University of Bath at SoB conference
    Exhibited was The Bone Folder.
  • Bookbindings: Invitational exhibition of bindings by Peter D. Verheyen [Exhibition checklist...]
    Maxwell Library, Rare Book Room
    Bridgewater State University, MA
    February 1 - April 5, 2019
  • Formation, The Guild of Book Workers
    June 15, 2018 - October, 2019
    Minnesota Center for Book Arts, Minneapolis, MN; Robert C Williams Papermaking Museum, Atlanta, GA; UCLA, Los Angeles, CA; North Bennet Street School, Boston, MA; UArts, Philadelphia, PA
    Exhibited was Remembering Jan Sobota.
  • Bibliothecarii et Glutinatores
    Denver Public Library Central Branch, Gates Exhibition Hall
    January - March, 2018
    Exhibited was Three Lectures
  • Society of Bookbinders 2017 Bookbinding Competition
    August 3 - 6, 2017
    Keele University in with SoB conference
    Exhibited was Remembering Jan Sobota.
  • Society of Bookbinders 2015 Bookbinding Competition
    August 20 - 23, 2015
    Keele University in with SoB conference
    Exhibited were The Raven and Pan.
  • InsideOut: Contemporary Bindings of Private Press Books: An Exhibition of Designer Bookbinders.
    May 15, 2014 - July 5, 2015
    St Bride Foundation, London, UK; Houghton Library, Harvard University, Cambridge, MA; Minnesota Centre for Book Arts, Minneapolis, MN; Bonhams, New York, NY; San Francisco Centre for the Book, San Francisco, CA.
    Exhibited was Mayflies of the Driftless Region.
    The binding was mentioned and depicted in The Economist and Parenthesis, journal of the Fine Press Book Association.
  • XIth F.I.R.A.. International Forum of Fine Bookbinding, ARA France
    June 20 to September 14, 2014
    Carré d'Art Bibliothèque, Nîmes, France.
    Exhibited was the The Raven
  • Limp Bindings from the Vatican Library
    September 18 - December 15, 2013
    Dalarnas Museum, Falun, Sweden, Swedish Institute of Classical Studies, Rome, Italy, Sankta Eugenia Katolska Församling Stockholm, Sweden.
    Exhibited was an interpretation of a 1579 ledger from the Vatican Library.
  • Form & Function
    February 15 - March 16, 2012
    Wallace L. Anderson Gallery, Bridgewater State University, Bridgewater, MA.
    Exhibited were The Thread That Binds, Designing the Mentoring Stamp, Ultimo, and Twenty-six Words
  • One Book, Many Interpretations: Second Edition.(PDF of full online catalog)
    August 27, 2011- April 15, 2012
    The Chicago Public Library, Chicago, IL.
    Exhibited was The Crucible, selected runner up in category.
  • The Thread That Binds: An Exhibition of Fine Bindings Presented by the Lone Star Chapter, Guild of Book Workers
    June 3, 2011 - January 14, 2012
    DeGolyer Library, Southern Methodist University, Dallas and the Museum of Printing History in Houston, TX.
    Exhibited was The Thread That Binds
  • Xth F.I.R.A.. International Forum of Fine Bookbinding, ARA Belgica
    May 26 - July 7, 2011
    Public Library “Biekorf ,” Brugge, Belgium
    Exhibited was The Raven
  • Marbled and Paste Papers in Action, Asheville Book Works
    July 1 - August 31, 2010
    Exhibited was Designing the Mentoring Stamp
  • Marking Time, The Guild of Book Workers
    May 15, 2009 -March 20, 2011.
    Minnesota Center for Book Arts, Minneapolis, MN; San Francisco Public Library; San Francisco, CA; University of Washington Seattle Library, Seattle, WA; University of Utah Marriott Library, Salt Lake City, UT; Denver Public Library, Denver, CO; Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, Cincinnati, OH; Skillman Library, Lafayette College, Easton, PA; Dartmouth College Library, Hanover, NH; Emory University Library, Atlanta, GA.
    Exhibited is Ultimo (Juror's Entry)
  • Kerrytown Bookfest Fine Binding Exhibit
    July 22 - August 28, 2008
    Ann Arbor District Library, Ann Arbor, MI.
    Exhibited were The Book of Origins and The Guild of Book Workers' 100th Anniversary Exhibition Catalog.
  • Outrageous Pages: Ingenious Artists' Books
    January 21-March 7, 2008.
    SUNY Oneonta Art Gallery.
    Exhibited were Noirs, Bleus, Sables and Saturday Night, 1953 / The Elements
  • The Book of Origins: A Survey of American Fine Binding
    January 2007 - February 2008.
    Syracuse University Library, Syracuse, NY; Michigan State University Library, East Lansing, MI; Public Library of Cincinnati and Hamilton County, Cincinnati, OH; UAA/APU Consortium Library, University of Alaska, Anchorage; Minnesota Center for Book Arts, Minneapolis, MN; Columbia College Chicago Center for Book and Paper Arts, Chicago, IL.
    Exhibited were The Book of Origins and Teach me, Star of Night.
  • The Guild of Book Workers' 100th Anniversary Exhibition
    September 2006 - November 2007.
    The Grolier Club, New York, NY; Michigan State University Library, East Lansing, MI; University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT; Portland State University Library, Portland, OR; The Bridwell Library, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX; Dartmouth College Library, Hanover, NH.
    Exhibited was Noirs, Bleus, Sables.
  • Books About Books
    January - June, 2006.
    A traveling exhibition of the Chicago Hand Bookbinders. Venues were the Golda Meir Library, the University of Wisconsin (Milwaukee); Northwestern University Library; Joan Flasch Artists' Book Collection, John M. Flaxman Library, School of the Art Institute Chicago.
    Exhibited were: Rules for Bookbinders and Centro del bel Libro Ascona.
  • The Book of Origins, by André Ricard.
    Fall, 2005 - Spring 2006.
    A set book design binding exhibition organized by Les Amis de la Reliure d'Art Canada in collaboration with the Bibliothèque Gabrielle Roy, Ville de Quebec, Canada and the Muséum National d'Histoire Naturelle, Paris, France.
    Exhibited wasThe Book of Origins.
  • A Poet's Book: Noirs, Bleus, Sables, by Nane Couzier
    September 21 - November 27, 2005.
    A set book design binding exhibition organized by Les Amis de la Reliure d'Art Canada in collaboration with the Ramezay Museum, Montreal, Canada.
    Exhibited was Noirs, Bleus, Sables.
  • Bill Anthony: The Lineage of a Master
    July 21-August 23, 2005
    An exhibition of works by apprentices and students of Bill Anthony, and their protégées. Held at the Iowa Artisans Gallery, Iowa City, IA
    Exhibited was Saturday Night, 1953 / The Elements.
  • Reliures du Monde.
    Les Amis de la Reliure d'Art.
    20 May - 9 October, 2005
    Galerie des Hospices, Limoges, France.
    Exhibited is Teach me, Star of Night
  • New England Vignettes.
    The New England Chapter of the Guild of Book Workers.
    November - December, 2004.
    Providence Athenaeum, Providence, RI
    Exhibited were John DePol: A Catalogue Raisonné 1935 -1998 and Saturday Night, 1953 / The Elements.
  • Artist's Books by American Artists
    June - August, 2004.
    Kunst Centret Silkeborg Bad / Art Center Silkeborg Bad, Silkeborg, Denmark.
    Exhibited was Twenty-six Words (full vellum with leather onlays).
  • The Hand Bookbinders of California 29th Anniversary Exhibition
    November - December, 2003.
    Thomas Goldwasser Rare Books, San Francisco, CA.
    Exhibited is John DePol: A Catalogue Raisonné 1935 -1998 and A Christmas Tale, and Other Short Stories.
  • Society of Bookbinders 2003 Bookbinding Competition
    July - October, 2003
    Venues include Baytums of Bath, Oxfordshire County Museum, National Library of Wales.
    Exhibited was Saturday Night, 1953 / The Elements. The book was awarded the "Harmatan Leather Award for Forwarding" in the "cased binding" category.
  • Chicago Hand Bookbinders 25th Anniversary Exhibition
    January - March, 2002.
    The Newberry Library, Chicago, IL
    Exhibited is RHM (Robert Hunter Middleton), The Man and his Letters.
    Work is being shown as part of the retrospective aspect of the exhibition, representing work exhibited with Chicago Hand Bookbinders by past members.
  • The Hand Bookbinders of California 30th Anniversary Exhibition
    November, 2002 - January, 2003.
    San Francisco Public Library, Main Library, San Franciso, CA.
    Exhibited is Animals That Should Exist But Never Have.
  • Artists and the Art of the Book
    March 1, 2002 -
    Venues include Binney & Smith Gallery, Bethlehem, PA; Artists Image Resource, Pittsburgh, PA; Spaces Gallery, Cleveland, OH; Museo de Arte Y Diseño Contemporáneo, San José, Costa Rica.
    Exhibited was Twenty-six Words (Television book/box structure).
  • The Hand Bookbinders of California 29th Anniversary Exhibition
    November - December, 2001.
    Thomas Goldwasser Rare Books, San Francisco, CA. Exhibited was Twenty-six Words.
  • CNY Book Arts: Traditional to Innovative
    September - October, 2001.
    Schweinfurth Memorial Art Center, Auburn, NY.
    Exhibited was Heaven on Earth, and Teach me, Star of Night.
  • Represented in traveling exhibition of the work of Thorsten Dennerline.
    June - September, 2001.
    Sala El Farol, Universidad de Valparaíso, Valparaíso, Chile, and Galleri Torso, Odense, Denmark.
    Exhibited was one copy of Twenty-six Words.
  • The Best of the Best.
    The Guild of Book Workers
    October 2000 - June 2002.
    University of Utah, Salt Lake City, UT; Syracuse University Library, Syracuse, NY; Ohio University Library, Athens, OH; Columbia College Chicago Center for Book & Paper Arts, Chicago, IL; Smith College Library, Northampton, MA; Swarthmore College Library, Swarthmore, PA; San Diego State University Library, San Diego, CA; San Francisco Public Library, San Francisco, CA; Conservation Online (CoOL) virtual host site.
    Exhibited is one copy of of Twenty-six Words by Thorsten Dennerline / Bird Press.
  • Solo Exhibition.
    Utica College Library. Utica, NY.
    September - October, 2000.
  • The 2nd National Book and Paper Arts Biennial
    Columbia College Chicago / Center for Book and Arts. Chicago, IL.
    September - October 2000.
    Exhibited are two copies of Twenty-six Words by Thorsten Dennerline / Bird Press.
  • Artist’s Books and Beyond.
    Cooperstown Art Association. Cooperstown, NY.
    May, 2000.
    Exhibited were three design bindings and the edition binding of Twenty-six Words by Thorsten Dennerline / Bird Press.
  • SU Book Arts.
    Syracuse University Library
    March - April , 2000
    Exhibited were the edition bindings to Twenty-six Words and Real Things People Said,... by Thorsten Dennerline / Bird Press.
  • Heaven on Earth
    The Lone Star Chapter of the Guild of Book Workers
    July - December, 1999.
    Botanical Research Institute of Texas, Fort Worth, TX; Museum of Printing History, Houston, TX; Perry-Castañeda Library, Austin, TX.
    Set book exhibition of John Muir's Heaven on Earth: Explorations into the Wilderness published by Randolph Bertin at his Press Intermezzo with original illustrations by Charles D. Jones.
  • Turning up the Page, Artists books of the 90’s.
    University of Missouri-Kansas City Gallery of Art.
    January 1999.
    Exhibited was design binding of Twenty-six Words by Thorsten Dennerline.
  • Abecedarium,
    The Guild of Book Workers.
    October 1998 - December 1999.
    Greensboro Public Library, Greensboro, NC; Bienes Center for Literary Arts, Broward County Library, Ft. Lauderdale, FL; Newberry Library, Chicago, IL; Ohio University Library, Athens, OH; Denver Public Library, Denver, CO; Denison Library, Scripps College, Claremont, CA; Conservation Online (CoOL) virtual host site.
    Thematic exhibition celebrating the alphabet. Exhibited is Twenty-six Words by Thorsten Dennerline. The complete book can be viewed here.
  • Paper Bound.
    The Guild of Book Workers.
    September 1996 - September 1997.
    Scripps College, Claremont, CA; The University of Rochester, Rochester, NY; Columbia College Chicago Center for Book and Paper Arts, Chicago, IL; Smith College Northampton, MA; Ohio University, Athens, OH; Conservation Online (CoOL) virtual host site.
    Set-book exhibition of Peter and Donna Thomas’ book Paper, A Collection of Handmade Paper Samples from the United States of America.
  • Created Space: An Exhibit of the New England Chapter of the Guild of Book Workers.
    April-December, 1995.
    John Hay Library, Brown University, Providence, RI; Syracuse University Library, Department of Special Collections, Syracuse, NY; Albert M. Greenfield Library, University of the Arts, Philadelphia, PA.
    Exhibited were 2 copies of Fine Printers Finely Bound, Too [binder's copy], [commissioned copy] and Juvenal’s Fifth Satire.
  • Different By Design: Book Bindings by Peter Verheyen.
    Gallery Julius of the Schweinfurth Arts Center, Auburn, NY.
    July, 1994.
    Exhibited were 20 previously exhibited and several newly created bindings.
  • Solo exhibition of recent works.
    Cornell University Library.
    October, 1993.
  • 50 x 25: The work of the Rarach Press.
    Bridwell Library, Southern Methodist University, Dallas, TX.
    September 1993 - January 1994.
    Exhibited were 2 copies of Opus Salvelinus.
  • State of the Art Gallery, 4th Annual Juried Photography Show.
    March 1993.
    Exhibited was one photograph.
  • Fine Printers Finely Bound, Too.
    The Guild of Book Workers.
    October 1992 - March 1994.
    Explore Print!, San Francisco, CA; Scripps College, Claremont, CA; Dallas Public Library, Dallas, TX; Minnesota Center for the Book Arts, Minneapolis, MN; The Newberry Library, Chicago, IL; University of Michigan, Ann Arbor, MI; Swarthmore College, Swarthmore, PA; Cornell University Library, Ithaca, NY.
    Exhibited were A Fowl Letter Book and Juvenal’s Fifth Satire.
  • Creative Arts Workshop, Annual Student Exhibition.
    June 1992.
    Exhibited were two collages and one photograph.
  • GBW New England Chapter 10th Anniversary Exhibition.
    March - June, 1992.
    Museum of Our National Heritage, Lexington, MA; Round Top Center for the Arts, Damariscotta, ME.
    Exhibited was A Letter and Some Photographs.
  • GBW Midwest Chapter Exhibition.
    July - November, 1991.
    Ohio State University, Columbus, OH; Moellering Library, Valparaiso, IN; Western Michigan State University, Kalamazoo, MI; Indiana University, Bloomington, IN.
    Exhibited was Juvenal’s Fifth Satire.
  • Contemporary American Bookbinding.
    The Grolier Club / The Guild of Book Workers.
    October 1990 - June 1991.
    Bibliotheque de l’Arsenal, Paris, France; Bibliotheca Wittockiana, Brussels, Belgium; Grolier Club, New York.
    Exhibited was Dante’s Inferno.
  • GBW Midwest Chapter.
    May - June, 1989.
    Freiberger Library, Case Western Reserve University, Cleveland, OH.
    Exhibited were Dante’s Inferno and RHM (Robert Hunter Middleton), The Man and his Letters, and one original pastepaper.
  • Chicago Hand Bookbinders 10th Anniversary Show.
    March - October 1989.
    Reyerson and Burnham Library of the Art Institute, Chicago, IL.; Northwestern University Library, Evanston, IL.; Brigham Young University Library, Provo, UT.
    Exhibited was Hans Holbein, Bilder des Todes.
  • Chicago Hand Bookbinders.
    October 1988.
    Newberry Library, Chicago, IL, GBW Standards Seminar and the Caxton Club in Chicago.
    Exhibited were RHM (Robert Hunter Middleton), The Man and his Letters and 2 original pastepapers.

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