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Little Airhead/Lille Fedtore

15 x 20 x 1 inches. A portfolio of eight lithographs and a short story by the Danish writer, Naja Marie Aidt. The text is printed in Danish, its original language, together with an English translation by Anne Mette Lundtofte. The text was printed at Wild Carrot Letterpress using type from the Letterfoundry of Michael and Winifred Bixler. The portfolio is bound by the artist in an edition of 20 each with a polyester resin ear on the cover. This project exists as a communication exchange between the United States and Denmark. It also embodies the dual nationality of the artist.

Portfolio with polyester resin cast of
an ear.

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Last Modified: Saturday, 14-Sep-2013 11:00:51 EDT
URL: /guests/airhead.htm
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