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Preservation & Conservation Links
Hands-on Preservation Related Sites
- Basic Paper Treatments for Printed
Book Materials: By Peter Verheyen (Published in the Guild of Book
Workers Journal, Spring 1991).
- Book_Arts-L:
A listserv serving the book arts community worldwide.
- Book Care and Repair
Resources: List of linked resources provided by the Tippecanoe County
Public Library.
- Book
Supports for Exhibition and Reading Rooms: By Mary Baughman.
- Bookbinding, a
Tutorial, Douglas W. Jones, University of Iowa.
- Bookbinding and the
Conservation of Books: A Dictionary of Descriptive Terminology.
- California Preservation Clearinghouse: Book
repair and collections
maintenance tutorials and bibliography.
- Cockroach Control
Manual: Guide to identification of species and how to control them.
- Conservation OnLine (CoOL):
Maintained by Walter Henry at the Stanford University Library Preservation
Department, this site is the most comprehensive source for preservation information.
Included are bibliographies, Commission on Preservation and Access publications.
project reports, and archived files of listserv postings.
- Collections Care and Conservation:
Care and handling instructions for a wide range of materials from the Preservation
Directorate of the Library of Congress.
- Colorado Preservation Alliance
- Conservation
and Preservation at Washington State University.
- Conservation
Science Projects: From the Royal Dutch Library.
- Dartmouth College Library
Preservation Department: Manuals for basic book repair and more advanced
treatments. Also good section on required tools...
- Disaster
Plan from the Preservation
Department at the Syracuse University Library.
- German Case (Bradel) Binding Tutorial: Assumes
that text block with endsheets...has already been prepared. An elegant solution
and great for beginners because you'll know it fits before covering.
- Guidelines for
the conservation of leather and parchment bookbindings. From the Royal
Dutch Library.
- Guild of Book
Workers, the national organization for ALL the book arts.
- How to care for...:
Canadian Conservation Institute page with tips on caring for books, papers,
photographs, and much more.
- ICPC Tip Sheet List:
From the Iowa Conservation and Preservation Consortium. Topics include: Scrapbooks
and photographs.
- Manuel
Pour la Reliure et la Réparation des Livres Destinés à
la Conservation à Long Terme: EXCELLENT manual for book repair
and conservation from the Bibliothèque Cantonale et Universitaire -
Lausanne. Organized by type of problem and binding style. In French with very
clear illustrations describing the techiques.
- Milton S. Eisenhower
Library Preservation Department: At the Johns Hopkins University.
- National Archives and Records Administration
(NARA): Preservation FAQ
- Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC):
Links to basic how-to manuals for rehousing, care of photographs, books, as
well as assistance in determining treatments and obtaining funding.
- Preservation at Cornell
University: Has section on making simple enclosures.
- Preservation Department at
Indiana University. Extensive online treatment
- Repair of Broken Leather Joints Using
Japanese Paper: By Don Etherington
- Repair of Original Cloth Case Bindings
Using Japanese Paper: By Don Etherington.
- Colorado Preservation Alliance
Scrapbook and
Home Archives Preservation: From the Image Permanence Institute at RIT.
- Smithsonian Center for Materials Research
and Education (SCMRE): Originally established in 1963, principally to
provide technical support to the Smithsonian museums in the analysis and conservation
needs of the collections, SCMRE moved in 1983 to the then newly completed
Museum Support Center, to embark on a mission of independently formulated
programs in research and education in conservation and scientific studies
of collection materials, serving a nationwide and international professional
audience. SCMRE has "guidelines" for taking care of collections
under the Taking Care Section of
the website.
- Structure Outline
for Book Description Documentation by Robert Espinosa.
- Three Basic Book Repair Procedures:
By Carole Dyal and Pete Merrill-Oldham. Instructions for three simple, non-invasive
repair techniques as demonstrated at ALA in 1998.
Organizations with Preservation Activities & Other
Resources | Top
Preservation and Reformatting Section.
- ARL: Association of Research Libraries:
Homepage with links to preservation related documents via gopher.
- AMIGOS Preservation Service:
Preservation resources and information in the Southwest region of the
- Canadian Conservation Institute:
Includes information on "preserving
my heritage," including books, papers, and other artifacts.
- Conservation Center for Art and Historical
Artifacts (CCAHA): Philadelphia based regional conservation center
offering book, paper and photograph treatments as well as workshops.
Magazine: Free online magazine, published bimonthly for all the
professionals involved in the conservation-restoration of cultural heritage.
It publishes peer-reviewed articles covering a large range of topics,
including but not limited to: conservation and restoration treatment
of works of art, conservation science and theory, preventive conservation,
cultural management, documentation and ethics.
- European Commission on Preservation
and Access:
- Forum Bestandserhaltung:
German language database dedicated to the preservation and conservation
of library materials.
- The Getty: Conservation
at the Getty
- GRIP - Gateway to Resources
on Preservation: A project of the National Archives of the Netherlands)
and the European Commission on Preservation and Access
- Heritage Conservation
Historic Preservation: Conservation Department of State Library,
Victoria, Australia.
- IFLA Section on Preservation
and Conservation.
- Image
Permanence Institute (IPI): Comprehensive information about IPI
activities and "Scrapbook and Home Archives
Preservation." At the Rochester Institute of Technology.
- Library of Congress
has a great site which lists bibliographies, information pamphlets,
preservation directorate information, as well as information regarding
permanent paper initiatives.
- Nationaal
Archief - National Archives of the Netherlands: Link goes to pages
for preservation and conservation including disaster planning.
- National Historical Publications
and Records Commission (NHPRC)
- Northeast Document Conservation Center
(NEDCC): Book, paper, photograph conservation as well as microfilming
and duplication services. NEDCC also surveys, workshops, and disaster
- NISO: Standards for environment
and materials.
- Northern Micrographics, Inc.:
Specialists in Scanning and Microimaging, Digital Preservation, Demand
Printing, and Fulfillment Services
- Northwestern
University's Preservation Department: Has a quiz on the proper care
and handling of books and the collection as a whole.
- Preservation Resources:
Reformatting (Microfilm and Digital) services.
- RLG (Research Libraries Group): Homepage
with links to many of its member institutions including museums.
- Smithsonian Institution
Libraries Preservation Services
- Society of American Archivists
- SOLINET Preservation
- Midwest Art Conservation Center
(MACC): not-for-profit regional center working for the preservation
and conservation of art and artifacts in the Upper Midwest region. MACC
is located within the Minneapolis Institiute of Arts, and is a conservation
resource for cultural and professional institutions and private individuals.
- Verband Deutscher Restauratoren:
German Association of Conservators.
Digital Library Project and Resources | Top
- Berkeley Digital Library SunSITETM:
Great collection of digital library and SGML resources.
- Columbia University
Imaging Projects: This site includes geological survey maps from the
turn of the century as well as links to other imaging projects at Columbia
- Making of America:
Joint Cornell and University of Michigan digital library project.
- Council On Library and Information
Resources: Formerly the Commission on Preservation and Access. Offers
links to publications, workshops, news and more. Order Into the Future
from them as well. This video which was aired on PBS draws attention to the
next and perhaps most serious challenge.
- D-Lib Magazine: The Magazine of Digital
Library Research
- DigiNews: a quarterly
web-based newsletter published by RLG. intended to focus on the issues
surrounding digital librarys, provide filtered guidance and pointers
to relevant projects, as well as improve awareness of evolving practices in
image conversion and digital archiving.
- Digital Libraries and
Resources: IFLA site.
- Digital
Preservation, Restoration, and Dissemination of Medieval Manuscripts: A
description of the Beowulf Manuscript digitization project, discussing the
issues surrounding manuscript digitization, and the equipment used for this
particular project. Includes images of parts of the manuscript, plus links
to the Labyrinth
Medieval Server, a virtual library of medieval material.
- Electronic Text Center at the
University of Virginia: Links to SGML encoding resources.
- Harvard/Radcliffe Digital Finding
Aids Project: links to Preliminary
Indexing Decisions which offers guidelines for encoding using the EAD DTD.
- Library of Congress
American Memory: Historical Collections for the National Digital
- Library of Congress
Exhibits: take a tour of the Library of Congress' most recent exhibits,
including the dead sea scrolls, Russian manuscripts, the Russian Archives,
the Vatican Library, and more.
Product & Vendor Links | Top
- Archival Methods: Vendors
of supplies for rehousing, simple repair, interleaving.
- Archival Products: Library Binding
Service site with helpful articles.
- Benchmark: Artifact Mount
making Supplies & Museum Exhibition and Installation Supplies and Services.
- Preservation Technologies: Manufacturers
of Bookkeeper deacidification solutions. Site contains technical and product
- Bill Cole Enterprises, Inc.:
Archival enclosures for photos, letters... in Mylar-D, polypropylene, and
- Conservation Resources
International: Manufactures and distributors of archival storage boxes
and enclosures, as well as specialized conservation tools, equipment and chemicals.
- Etherington Conservation
Center: A part of ICI Binding in Greensboro, NC. Top notch conservation
service provider with extensive experience.
- Gaylord Brothers: Vendors of high quality
supplies for book repair, rehousing, interleaving...
- Graphic Conservation Company:
Chicago based paper, and art on paper conservation firm.
- Kapco Library Products: Supplies
for protecting high use, circulating, and other non-rare materials.
- Light Impressions:
Vendors of preservation storage supplies. Primarily for photographs.
- Metal Edge, Inc.: Vendors of
supplies for rehousing, simple repair, interleaving...
- Multiform Studios / Exhibit Source:
Providing artifact mounting solutions to the Museum Community, Corporations,
Collectors and Designers since 1982. Collaborating with client staff and exhibit
designers, we integrate collection materials into exhibitry, safely, securely...
on budget and on time.
- Preservation Resources:
Reformatting (Microfilm and Digital) services.
- Sources of Conservation/Preservation
Products & Services: From the Solinet site.
- Thompson Conservation Lab:
Founded by Jack Thompson in Portland, Oregon.
- University Products: Vendors
of supplies for rehousing, simple repair, interleaving...